Reducing unintended teenage pregnancy and HIV rates in South Africa and Lesotho by involving adolescent boys
Project Title |
Reducing unintended teenage pregnancy and HIV rates in South Africa and Lesotho by involving adolescent boys: Co-design of a culturally sensitive, gender-transformative, community-based, educational intervention |
Research Focus |
Maternal and Child Health; Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights |
Funder & Dates |
Department for the Economy Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) Award, £35,000, July 2019 – Dec 2019 |
Principal Investigator or Primary Supervisor (if PhD project) |
Dr Áine Aventin
Co-Investigators or additional supervisors |
Prof Mark Tomlinson, Prof Maria Lohan, Prof Mike Clarke, Prof Allen Thurston, Dr Lynne Lohfeld, Mr David Grant |
Research Fellow(s) or PhD Student |
Dr Stephan Rabie (Stellenbosch University, South Africa); Dr Sarah Gordon (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) |
Name & Institution of Collaborators |
Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa |
Name of External Partner Organisations |
N/A |
Description of Project: Aim; Methods; Expected Outcomes
The purpose of this study is to work with local stakeholders in Lesotho and South Africa to co-design contextually relevant versions of the evidence-based, gender-transformative If I Were Jack (JACK) intervention for use with adolescents in both countries. Study Objectives (repeated in both countries/sites):
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Any other relevant information |