Undergraduate / Postgraduate Certificate in Nurse and Midwife Prescribing
The aim of this programme is to prepare nurses and midwives to be confident, competent, safe prescribers who prescribe in the context of person-centred care and as part of an interprofessional team.
The programme provides students with high quality teaching that is informed by current research and scholarship. It has been designed to deliver outcomes which meet the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s (2021) Competency Framework for all Prescribers and the standards adopted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council in 2019.
Clinical placement of a minimum of 90 hours supernumerary practice is a compulsory part of this programme during which students develop their clinical skills under the supervision of a relevant health care prescriber.
Successful completion of this programme leads to a recorded professional award with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/ Supplementary Prescriber (V300).
To achieve the professional award the programme involves three compulsory taught modules, Prescribing in Practice, Pharmacotherapeutics in Prescribing and Health Assessment each worth 20 credits. Accredited Prior Learning can be given for Health Assessment if this module has been completed prior to commencing the Programme.
The duration of this programme is one academic year as a part time option only with a minimum of 32 days of theory (26 days if the Health Assessment module has already been completed) and 90 hours in supernumerary practice where the student develops the skills of clinical/ health assessment; diagnostics/care management and planning and evaluation of care in relation to prescribing in their field of specialist practice. A hybrid learning approach incorporating online teaching, self e-learning and face to face contact with lecturers.
Assessments used will include assignments, case presentations, multiple choice exam, written exams and OSCEs. Students will also complete a portfolio and Systematic and Detailed Examination in Practice assessment during placement.
Entrance Requirements
Applicants must satisfy the University’s general entry requirements and specific requirements for the course are detailed below:
This programme is available at undergraduate (Level 3) and postgraduate level (Level 7) to take account of the professional and academic background and achievement in the target population.
Those studying at undergraduate level are expected to demonstrate a level of understanding consistent with the level of study being undertaken and must have completed a Diploma in Nursing or Midwifery or have the equivalent of 120 credit points at level 1 and 120 credit points at level 2
Those studying at postgraduate level are expected to demonstrate a level of understanding consistent with the level of study being undertaken and must have successfully completed a Degree or equivalent.
International Trained Nurses/Midwives: If you hold an international qualification you will need to provide a UK ENIC Statement of Comparability. This should be obtained prior to submitting your application. You can apply for a statement through the ENIC website: Statement of Comparability (enic.org.uk)
All applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. Applicants must be a registered nurse (level 1), a registered midwife or a SCPHN
2. be in current employment in a role where prescribing is a relevant aspect of their work with a minimum of one years’ experience in the area in which they intend to prescribe. Part-time workers must be able to confirm that they have practiced for a sufficient period.
3. to be deemed as capable of safe and effective practice in the intended area of prescribing practice in clinical /health assessment; diagnostics/ care management and planning/ evaluation of care the candidate must have successfully completed a module in Health Assessment or be registered concurrently on the module in Health Assessment
- provide confirmation that the necessary governance structures are in place (including clinical support, access to protected learning time and employer support where appropriate) to enable students to undertake, and be adequately supported throughout, the programme.
Placement will be organised by the student and is normally in their own place of work or in a suitable practice learning environment where an agreement exists with a relevant practice supervisor and assessor.
The Undergraduate / Postgraduate Certificate in Nurse and Midwife Prescribing is completed in one year as a part-time course of study.
Fees 2024-25
Commissioned Health Trust |
No Fee |
Self-funding / Fee Paying – Level 3/6 |
£2,375 |
Self-funding / Fee Paying – Level 7 |
£2,434 |
How to apply?
Applications for Academic Year 24/25 are now closed.
We will advertise again in June 2025 for September 2025 entry.
For any queries, please email cpadsnam@qub.ac.uk
Please note that our CPAD programmes are not open to international applicants living outside the UK/ROI.