The Interview Process
Eligible applicants will be invited for interview. Since 2016, we have been using a style of assessment which evaluates each candidate's values and attributes and ensures that we select the best candidates for the Nursing and Midwifery professions.
This process assesses each candidate's non-cognitive abilities, such as empathy, integrity, teamworking and communication skills. These were identified by NIPEC as the key skills and attributes needed to be an exceptional nurse or midwife in the Gateway to Nursing project in 2014.
Since 2021 we have been working in partnership with Ulster University to pilot a regional selection process. This means that candidates who have applied to both Universities only need to do one interview, and we share the results. This has proven beneficial for candidates, for the interviewers from the Trusts and for the two Universities.
We are currently reviewing our interview process for applicants applying for academic year 2026/27.
How it works:
Interviews are now held online; you will be able to log into the interview platform, practice using it, and submit your answers at a time that suits you. There are key benefits to this: you won't get stuck in traffic on the way there, and you certainly won't get lost. However, you will need to ensure that you are able to use the interview software in a quiet place where you won't be interrupted, and where you have a reliable internet connection. You must not have anyone in the room with you.
When you log into the platform, take some time to read everything and familiarise yourself with how it works. You will have the opportunity to use practice questions - these are generic questions and not related to anything you will be asked in your interview. Use the practice questions - they will help you get used to speaking to the screen, and get used to the information the system feeds back to you. If in doubt, practice again.
When you start your live interview, you must complete it in one sitting. You can't pause it and come back later.
The first thing you will be asked will be to show a form of photo ID to the camera, and to state your name and UCAS ID, so have these handy. The interview questions will appear on screen and you will have one and a half minutes to read and think about your responses. Then you will have 3 minutes to make a response. The question will remain on screen for the duration, and there will be a countdown clock to let you know how much time you have left. You will be given specific everyday scenarios that you will be required to respond to. Each question tests values such as communication, empathy, accountability, integrity and trust.
The interview is your opportunity to show us that you have the qualities and attributes required to be a good nurse or midwife. Good preparation is key to a successful interview; spend some time before you start thinking about your reasons for choosing the profession, and the experiences you have had that have prepared you for it.
You will be expected to keep details of the interview questions confidential; any breach will be treated extremely seriously and you may be putting your chance of a place on the programme at risk.
We recommend that you should:
- Get your ID organised and ready to present to the camera
- Dress appropriately – neat, business like attire, and a tidy, professional-looking appearance.
- Test your system - if you don't have reliable internet the process will be extremely stressful, so find somewhere that does. Perhaps your local library, or your school or college can help.
- Be ready to deal with scenario based mock situations.
- Try to stay relaxed and smile.
If you are unable to find a location to complete the interview please let us know. In exceptional circumstances we may be able to make IT access available for you here on campus.
Interview scoring
The questions do not require any technical skills or nursing/midwifery knowledge – they are designed to find out if you would make a good nurse or midwife and to find out why you have chosen this career. Your responses will be reviewed and scored by registered nurses and midwives, including members of Trust staff and University staff, as well as a selection of service users.
We do not currently test for Maths or English, and you are not required to sit the HPAT test.
There are sample station videos available on the School of Medicine & Dentistry's website here (please remember that we run a different process and we work to different dates!)