Professor Lezley Anne Hanna
Lezley-Anne teaches across the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programme and contributes to postgraduate courses. She has won five university educational allocates, is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a National Teaching Fellow.
Research Focus
My doctoral work focussed on evidence-based practice, over-the-counter consultations and decision-making in community pharmacy practice. I gained public, pharmacists, trainees, and undergraduate pharmacy students’ perspectives on this.
Currently, my main research and scholarly focus is pharmacy education. I have published pedagogical work in internationally recognised journals on various topics including: assessment, feedback, goal orientations and academic performance, empathy, mental health, resilience, professionalism, preparedness for practice, moral reasoning, transition from secondary to tertiary education, and factors affecting career choice of pharmacy.
PGDip Community Pharmacy (83%) (2002)
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (PGCHET) (2006)
Students’ Union Education Award; outstanding feedback (student nominated category, 2013)
University Teaching Award; authenticity of teaching approach (team category, 2013)
University Teaching Award; exemplary feedback, inspiring and engaging learners (student nominated category, 2013)
International teaching award; entrepreneurialism (shortlisted, 2015)
Students’ Union Education Award; most inspiring (shortlisted, 2016)
University Teaching Award; development of peer mentoring scheme (student nominated category, 2016)
Faculty Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2016)
External funding awarded to develop an app to aid with over-the-counter consultations (2016)
University Nominee for National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (2016 and 2017)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) (2017); previously Fellow 2007-2017)
QUB Centre for Educational Development (CED) conference, poster prize (2017)
eHealth and Innovation in Pharmacy Practice Award, Pharmacy in Focus (2018)
National Teaching Fellow (2018)
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2019)
School committee and working group membership:
Focuses include:
Recruitment, including Open Day organisation and participation
Quality assurance and advancement, including assessment and course development
Integrated 5-year MPharm degree
Distance Learning
Scientific Women’s Academic Network (SWAN) Silver Award, self-assessment team (SAT)
External Examiner at the University of Leeds
University committee/panel membership
iPGCHET pilot (2013)
Supporting Student Attainment Group (influences practice on employability,
retention and progression) (2016-present)
Component Marking Pilot member (transparency of students’ grades) (2016)
Periodic Review and Enhancement Process (PREP) and Periodic School Review (PSR) panel member (quality assurance of academic standards, 2017 onwards)
Education Strategy Implementation Group (2017-present)
Office for Students Regulatory Framework and QAA Quality Code Consultation Group (2017)
Academic Council (March 2018 onwards)
Academic Offences and Fitness to Practise cases across the Faculty (as required)
Queen’s Merit Award Scheme founding member (2018 onwards; HEA-accredited Fellowships up to Senior Fellow)
External committees and professional memberships
GPhC (GB pharmacy regulator) question-writer and reviewer: influencing professional assessment content (2011-present)
PSNI (NI pharmacy regulator): external examining role to quality assure and influence professional
assessments (2014-2018)
Pharmacy Forum NI Education and Research Committee Member (2012-present)
Whitehall Herbal Working Group (2012-2015)
An invited peer reviewer for over 30 international journals including Advances in Medical Education and Practice, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, BMC Medical
Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
Member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (Academic Pharmacy)
Faculty Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
National Teaching Fellow