New Head of School of Pharmacy has been appointed
The School of Pharmacy are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Carmel Hughes as Head of School of Pharmacy.
Carmel will bring tremendous experience and leadership to our number No. 1 School of Pharmacy in the UK. Carmel graduated in Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s and following a period of pre-registration training, undertook a PhD in Pharmacology, again, at the School.
In 1998, she was appointed to a Harkness Fellowship in Healthcare Policy, the first pharmacist to have received this award. Carmel undertook her fellowship at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. In 2001, Carmel received a five year Primary Care Career Scientist Award, and in the same year, she won the British Pharmaceutical Conference Practice Research Medal, which recognises individuals who have made a significant contribution to the field of pharmacy practice research.
Carmel’s research is focused on prescribing in older people, with a particular interest in care homes. Her work has been funded by a variety of sources and she has published over 220 papers in leading journals in her field. She has chaired two major pharmacy conferences, and is Associate Editor for BMC Pilot and Feasibility Studies, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Carmel has been an External Examiner at six Schools of Pharmacy in the UK, and currently sits on the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Commissioned Research Panel, the Department of Health Policy Research Committee and the Royal College of General Practitioners Research Paper of the Year Panel.