Postgraduate Positions
Fully-Funded PhD Studentships
Every year the school receives an allocation of funded studentships from the Northern Ireland Department for the Economy (DfE) for UK students, which can include provision for a small number of fully-funded international studentships. These studentships, which cover tuition fees, stipend and a contribution to running costs, are allocated through a competitive process, with applicants shortlisted and interviewed. All UK Applicants will be automatically considered for these studentships and international students with no other funding can request that they be considered for DfE support. However, international DfE studentships are extremely competitive and applicants should indicate that they wish to be considered for DfE support on their application form. Terms and conditions for DfE funding are available here: DfE Research Eligibility Guidance Notes
Where funding has been secured for a PhD studentship, for example CAST studentships, this will be stated clearly in the PhD advert
Links to the advertisements:
Prof Karl Malcolm: Development of a silicone elastomer vaginal ring for controlled release estrogen replacement therapy
Prof Michael Tunney: PULSE-CF: Enhanced Microbiological Surveillance In People With Cystic Fibrosis (PWCF)
Centre for Advanced Technologies for Healthcare (CATCH) Projects
The School of Pharmacy and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering are offering an exciting opportunity for interested international students to apply for a number of self-funded interdisciplinary Pharmacy-Chemistry PhD projects, jointly supervised by academics from both Schools. Please see the list of available projects below:
Dr Yiwei Tian and Dr Lorenzo Stella - Computer-aided design for advanced drug delivery system: Application in enabling formulations.
Professor Gerd Wagner and Dr Stephen Cochrane - Chemical Tools to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance.
Professor Ryan Donnelly and Dr Stephen Cochrane - Microneedle delivery of non-ribosomal antimicrobial peptides to treat multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections
Dr Jonathan Coulter and Professor Stephen Bell - ENERGY - Enhanced Nanoparticles Engineered fRom Gold for multi-modal therapY
Professor Karl Malcolm and Dr Panagiotis Manesiotis - High resolution solid state NMR as a tool for analysis of polymeric controlled release drug delivery systems
Professor Karl Malcolm and Dr Panagiotis Manesiotis - Novel poly(acrylic acid) complexes for enantioselective drug delivery and chiral separation
If you want any more information on any of the projects above please have a look at our CourseFinder page:
Please see below details of available PhD positions through site