Research Interests
Dr Yi Ge’s recent and current research interests and activities, with a focus on the interdisciplinary area at the interfaces of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Science, Biomedical Science, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, mainly include:
- Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Molecular Imprinting and Smart Materaials
- Biosensors and Advanced Sensing Technology
- Theranostics and Drug Delivery
Open to PhD and MRes/MPhil applications in all of the above fields.
Current Research Opportunities
- In-cell quantification of drug concentrations by using advanced nano-sensor
- Developing cost-effective and eco-friendly antiviral nano-agents
Public outreach & key achievements
Some of my key research interests could be reflected from the following books which I have edited.
- Nanomedicine: Principles and Perspectives (two volumes), Springer, New York.
ISBN: 978-1-4614-2140-5
- Molecularly Imprinted Sensors, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
ISBN: 9780444563316
Book Reviewed by:
Moreno-Bondi, M.C. Anal Bioanal Chem 405, 6385-6386 (2013).
- Smart Nanomaterials for Sensor Applications. Bentham Science Publishers.
DOI: 10.2174/97816080524171120101