Assessment and Feedback
We will utilise innovative and authentic assessment and give feedback which is constructive and personalised, providing students with a robust, reflective, and supportive learning process which ensures that learning outcomes have been met.
We seek to innovate in all areas of assessment and feedback, allowing us to evaluate our students robustly, and in a manner which will ensure that they are prepared to enter into healthcare careers. Further, our innovations aim to ensure fairness in assessment, such that we can offer equity to all learners. Areas of particular focus in assessment innovation include:
- Students’ views on assessments used on the course
- Academic performance of females versus males
- Do negatively marked MCQs favour males?
- Students’ views of faculty feedback
- Competency-based and OSCEs
- Assessor support roadmap
Below, you'll be able to read more about our innovation in assessment and feedback.
- Pharmacy students’ views of faculty feedback on academic performance
- Development of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to assess formulation and extemporaneous dispensing skills in MPharm undergraduates
- A questionnaire study investigating undergraduate pharmacy students’ opinions on assessment methods and an integrated five-year pharmacy degree
- Pharmacy OSCEs and competency-based assessments
- Gender-biased assessments: do negatively marked true-false MCQs favour males?
- Better together: An assessor support roadmap