SWAN Team Organises Weekly Get-Togethers During Lockdown
During the lockdown the SWAN team continues to organising weekly get-togethers on Teams for all AEL staff to provide a space for some social interaction, a chat and a laugh. So far, we have guessed pubs and buildings in and around Belfast, shared gardening tips, met each other's children, pets, spouses, and had a giggle or two.
If you feel like company, drop in and join us. The next after-work breather will take place on Thursday 11 June at 4pm on Teams. This is the link to the team: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a51128b3602564a72800a4fc714911931%40thread.tacv2/1591624495387?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22eaab77ea-b4a5-49e3-a1e8-d6dd23a1f286%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2277b86202-80c5-4695-9238-d242e0416cea%22%7d