QUB Graduate Represents UK at Europa Cinemas’ 28 Times Cinema Initiative
QFT has, for the second time, had one of its movie lovers chosen to represent the UK at Europa Cinemas’ 28 Times Cinema** initiative.

This year Steven Armour, a Queen’s University graduate and former member of QFT’s Takeover Film club, will represent QFT @Queen's Film Theatre as a member of the Venice Days Jury during the Venice Film Festival between 31st August - 10th September.
28 Times Cinema gives 28 young people from across Europe the opportunity to gain in-depth experience of the world famous Venice Film Festival. QFT is one of 28 cinemas from across the European Union states to be selected to send a young movie goer to spend ten days at the Festival watching the “Venice Days” film selection and sharingtheir opinions and ideas.
Marion Campbell, QFT Learning Offcier said:
‘We are all very proud of Steven ! He will represent the UK and @Queen's Film Theatre during the Venice Days and watch all the films presented at Venice Days and the @LUX film Prize 2016 Competition. While at the film festival, he will have the chance to meet international filmmakers and other film industry professionals and will be writing and online blog on his experiences..’
Following a tough selection process Steven was the one successful candidate selected from the UK and he is looking forward to the experience. "It's an amazing opportunity to represent the UK as part of this year's 28 Times Cinema initiative. Cinema has been a passion of mine from a young age, and so to have this chance to attend one of the world's best film festivals is a dream come true. I can't wait to join the 27 other young cinephiles from across Europe to watch new films, work together as a jury, and write reviews, gaining invaluable experience for my future aspirations of working in film."
Susan Picken, Head of QFT recognises how important opportunities like this can be, “To have the chance to attend such a prestigious Film Festival in this way at the start of your career is priceless. The experience and the networking opportunities that this presents are not to be taken for granted and I know that Steven will make the most of every moment.” Ends.
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Follow all the news that will be shared on social media under the following Tags and Hashtags: @luxprize, @EuropaCinemas #28TimesCinema, #28TC2016, @GiornateDegliAutori - Venice Days, #VeniceDays.
*Steve Armour (headshot attached) is from Larne, he completed his undergraduate degree at Queen's University Belfast with First Class Joint Honours BA English and Film Studies. He is currently undertaking a master's at the University of Edinburgh (MSc Film, Exhibition and Curation).
**Co-organised by the European Parliament, the LUX Prize, the Venice Days and Europa Cinemas, 28 Times Cinema aims to promote shared values and cultural diversity through cinema among young people.
Press contact for further information: Marion Campbell, QFT Learning.
Telephone number: 02890 971396
Work mobile: 07814 944020.
Email: m.campbell@qub.cac.uk