A fully-funded 3-year PhD studentship
Available at Queen’s University Belfast in conjunction with the research project ‘Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS)’.

The studentship is , funded by the AHRC under the Open World Research Initiative to promote Modern Languages in the UK and will start in November 2016 (or as soon as possible thereafter) and will cover full fees. It will also include an annual maintenance stipend for three years to RCUK minimum level (£14,296 per annum). It will be supervised by Prof Mícheál Ó Mainnín and Prof Janice Carruthers. For further information about the studentship, please contact Prof Ó Mainnín (m.omainnin@qub.ac.uk) [pictured]. Further information about the project can be obtained from Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett (wmb1001@cam.ac.uk).
For more details please click here.