An exhibition with a screening at the Brian Friel Theatre in Queen’s University Belfast.
- Date(s)
- November 23, 2017
- Location
- Brian Friel Theatre, 20 University Square, Belfast BT7 1NN
- Time
- 18:00 - 21:00
- Price
The exhibition of ‘Human Beings Being Human’ incorporates a screening of an act from the play Gift of Donation by Mr William Johnston, a member of the Renal Arts Group at Queen’s, former Chairman of NIKPA (Northern Ireland Kidney Patients' Association), and currently Northern Ireland Advocacy and Support Officer for Kidney Care UK.
It will also involve a presentation from Mr Ian Walsh, a Clinical Academic Surgeon, professional musician, and also a member of the Renal Arts Group, who will share his experience of treating patients with life-changing illness, in relation to the equipoise between healthcare, arts and humanities.
The aim is to engage the wider community with healthcare professionals, patients and carers who are variously dealing with kidney disease in a celebration of life through the medium of artistic expression and showcase the interdisciplinary research of which the event is an outcome.