Dancing About Architecture
Dr Gascia Ouzounian was one of four invited speakers at the symposium Dancing About Architecture, which took place in Berlin from 23-28 September 2014. This symposium brought together scholars, architects and artists to discuss cross-disciplinary collaboration between architecture and movement-based arts, music, installation and performance. It was co-hosted by the architecture firm Studio Lukas Feireiss and the dance company Dorky Park, lead by Berlin-based, Argentinian choreographer Constanza Macras.
Over the course of the symposium there were lectures and panels at different venues across the city, ranging from the Schaubühne Theater to ANCB The Metropolitan Library, as well as two large-scale performances by Dorky Park. The symposium participants and audiences reflected on the myriad ways in which the city can be understood and transformed within and through arts practices. Dr Ouzounian discussed her project with architect Sarah Lappin, Recomposing the City, and her recent research on acoustic mapping and sound installation art in relation to the poetics and politics of place.
For more information, please visit: http://www.studiolukasfeireiss.com/Dancing-About-Architecture