Magazine: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofCreativeArts/Research/ResearchMagazine/
Submit an Article: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofCreativeArts/Research/ResearchMagazine/SubmitArticle/
How do I submit an article?
Follow the 'Submit an Article' link above. For easy access, it is advisable to bookmark this link in your browser.
How long should the article be?
The recommended maximum length is 300 words. It is advisable to first write your article in a Word processor and then copy/paste into the Article Text.
How many articles can I have on the magazine at any one time?
It is recommended to have only one article 'live' at any time. That way the magazine will be more easily navigable, since there are over 30 academic staff.
What should the tone of the article be?
The Research Magazine is intended for general audiences -- think of a news item versus an abstract for a scholarly publication.
What should the content focus on?
Anything related to your research is appropriate content for the Research Magazine. It is recommended that articles focus on work that has already been completed versus work in progress. The content should not duplicate content on PURE or on the News/Events page of the School. It should be written specifically for the Research Magazine.
Should my article have an associated image?
Yes. Your article should have at least one image which will be the 'cover' image. This will be the image readers see on the Magazine home page. The home page will show a thumbnail of the image (a small version of the image). The article text will show the larger image (actual size).
How do I upload a cover image?
Click on the 'Choose File' button next to 'Image' at the bottom of the form. This will allow you to upload an image file.
How large should the cover image be?
The size of the image should be 'web-friendly'. The dimensions of the image you upload will be the same on the main article page. So images should not be wider than 800 pixels. (Images will be automatically resized on the Magazine homepage).
You can use simple software included on your PC or Mac to resize images. (For PC use 'Paint'. For MAC use 'Preview').
Can I embed additional images within the article itself?
Yes, by choosing the Insert/Edit Image button (under the Italic font button).
What is Event Start/Event End?
These determine when your article goes 'live' and when it 'expires'. Articles that have expired will be archived in the Research Magazine Archive. You can click the 'Now' option within 'Event Start' to make your article go live immediately.
How long will it take for the article to appear on the Magazine?
It should appear on the Magazine within 24 hours of submission.
Do I need to select a Category (i.e. Music, Film, etc.)?
Disciplinary categories are optional. They will be used to filter articles if the reader only wants to see articles in a certain category.
Can I select more than one Category?
Yes. If your research falls between disciplines or is multi-disciplinary it is fine to select multiple categories as appropriate.
Can I include Web links or hyperlinks in the article?
Yes and yes. For Web links, simply write out the URL (i.e. www.google.com). For hyperlinks, use the 'Insert Link' button (under the Bold font button), and paste your URL there.
Can I embed audio/video in the article?
No, but you can include links to audio/video (see previous question).
Will a date of publication appear in the article?
Yes, a date of publication will appear at the bottom of every article based on when it is submitted.
What if I want to delete an article (versus letting it expire)?
If you want to delete an article please write to Craig Jackson to request that it be removed from the Web.
For technical questions please contact Craig Jackson: c.jackson@qub.ac.uk
For questions about content please contact Gascia Ouzounian: g.ouzounian@qub.ac.uk