The research network Science and Medicine in the Insular Middle Ages (SMIMA) is a high-impact cross-disciplinary project that traces the reception and transmission of scientific and medical knowledge in the Insular Middle Ages, namely Britain, Ireland and Iceland (including Norway and Denmark), during the period 750-1550. The network focuses on the strong links between these islands, which are not isolated or insular, but are rather cultural milieux that are deeply embedded in continental Europe.
The network will stimulate the exchange of ideas in various fields – literature, history, history of science and medicine, archaeology, medicine, biological anthropology – promote co-operation among institutions, and more importantly among scholars at various stages of their career.
In this first stage of the network – which was created at the one-day symposium held at Queen’s University Belfast in December 2018 “Science and Medicine in the Insular Middle Ages” – we aim to compile a database of scholars that work in the fields mentioned above, in order to facilitate access to expertise and scholarship for students and scholars.