
Visit the EEECS Health, Safety & Wellbeing Website

Visit the Queen's Gender Initiative Website
The Gender Initiative provides a channel for women’s views on priority issues for women to come to the fore. This forum also acts as a route through which women’s responses to policies, practices and procedures can be made known to senior organisational managers.
Reflective assessment teams in schools engage with the gender equality agenda in their specific contexts. They develop and implement action plans to address equal opportunities issues. Regular meetings between the Gender Initiative Director and Vice Chancellor, along with other senior managers, keep communication flowing between all groups.

Visit the Queen's Diversity and Inclusion Website
The diversity and inclusion team at Queen's is helping to create a culture that is inclusive at all levels, in every system and process. They provide a confidential source of advice and support to individual staff members on equality, diversity and inclusion issues, as well providing the appropriate equality, diversity and inclusion training for QUB staff.

Visit the Queen's Staff Networks Website
The University's staff networks have been established to connect staff and celebrate the diversity of our community. The networks provide an opportunity for colleagues to meet in a friendly, informal way, enabling them to discuss ideas and experiences, share knowledge and support each other.
They include the Staff Disability Support Network, the Parents Network, PRISM, iRise, CONNECT, Technicians at Queen's, AfricanSRN, the Research and Innovation Professionals Network and the Communications and Marketing Staff Network.

Visit the Student Concerns Website
The Student Wellbeing Service staff can meet with you in a confidential setting to discuss any issues or concerns that you may have and explore suitable support options. Sometimes, support can be received from the Student Wellbeing Team, while other times, it may require external specialist services.
If you have a concern but aren't sure what support is best for you, please contact Student Wellbeing as a starting point.

The Women in STEM Society at Queen's helps women and all minority STEM students on campus thrive socially, professionally and academically. To become a member, email:
The Society runs regular events and provides support and resources for students. Membership is free and you don't have to be on a 'traditional' STEM pathway to join.
You can also connect with the Women in STEM Society on LinkedIn and on Instagram.