Dr Ayesha Abdul Majeed

I am a dedicated professional with a background in academia, research and technology. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher in FinTech, specialising in AI-assisted financial risk assessment through the Advanced Research and Engineering Centre (ARC) with PwC, Ulster University and Queen’s University Belfast.
I have served as a Lecturer in the Department of Information Technology at BUITEMS University, Pakistan since January 2015. Additionally, I have served as a Visiting Faculty member at the University of Balochistan, Pakistan. I completed my PhD in Computer Science from Queen's University Belfast under the Faculty for the Future Fellowship (FFTF) award.
My PhD research centred on AI applications for cost-effective edge devices, emphasising computational efficiency and addressing failures in integrated healthcare, self-driving cars, and autonomous robots. During my Ph.D. studies, my teaching interest led me to join as a part-time Connected Learning Tutor at QUB, engaging in teaching and outreach activities.
In 2018, I achieved recognition for my contribution to increasing the visibility of women in STEM as one of the top 98 emerging through TechWomen, USA. Being honoured as a TechWomen100 2023 winner and a Faculty for the Future Fellow, actively contributing to the tech community.
My passion for empowering women in STEM is evident in my role in organisations like TechWomen, WeAreTechWomen and FFTF ambassador, reflecting my commitment to fostering diversity and leadership.