These have been held at intervals since 1998. These events, organised by members of academic staff at Queen's, bring together for a short conference, specialists on particular historical themes.
Wiles Colloquium XVI: The Roman Empire without Rome, organised by Dr John Curran and Dr Laura Pfuntner on 9-10 September 2021. Click on Wiles Colloquium 2021 to see programme.
Wiles Colloquium XV: Ireland and Missions: Identity, Nation and Empire in the 19th-20th Centuries organised by Eric Morier-Genoud on 12-13 September 2019. Click on Wiles Colloquium 2019to view programme.
Wiles Colloquium XIV: New Lenses on China: Photography in Modern Chinese History and Historiography organised by Aglaia De Angeli and Emma Reisz on 23-24 June 2017. Published as A. De Angeli and E. Reisz (eds), New Lenses on China: A Symposium on Foreign Influences and China's Photographic Frontiers, special issue of Chinese Historical Review, 25, no. 2 (2018). Further information. Click on Wiles Colloquium 2017 flyer to view the flyer.
Wiles Colloquium XIII: New Approaches to Public History: research, practice and collaboration organised by Olwen Purdue on 12-13 May 2016. Click here for further information.
Wiles Colloquium XII: Remembering 1916: the Easter Rising, the Somme and the politics of memory organised by Dr Fearghal McGarry on 26-27 March 2015. Publihsed as Richard Grayson and Fearghal McGarry (eds), Remembering 1916: The Easter Rising, the Somme and the Politics of Memory in Ireland (Cambridge UP, 2016).
Wiles Colloquium XI: Death of a Charismatic Leader organised by Dr Danny Kowalsky on 3-4 April 2014
Wiles Colloquium X: The Monist Century 1845-1945: Science, Secularism and Worldview organised by Dr Todd Weir on 2-3 October 2009. Further information Published as T. Weir (ed.) Monism: Science, Philosophy, Religion, and the History of a Worldview (Palgrave 2012)
Wiles Colloquium IX: Re-thinking Reconstruction: Race, Labour and Politics after the American Civil War organised by Dr Brian Kelly and Dr Bruce Baker, 2008. Further information. Published as Bruce Baker and Brian Kelly (eds), After Slavery: Race, Labor and Citizenship in the Reconstruction South (University Press of Florida, 2013)
Wiles Colloquium VIII: Lawmaking in Periphery and Centre: Constitutional Relations in Composite States, 1690-1800. organised by Dr John Bergin, Prof David Hayton and Dr James Kelly, September 2007. Published as J. Bergin, D. Hayton and J. Kelly (eds) The Eighteenth-Century Composite State: Representative Institutions in Ireland and Europe, 1689-1800 (Palgrave 2010).
Wiles Colloquium VII: Sacred and Secular Music in Reformation and Counter-Reformation England, c. 1520-1650 organised by Prof Ian Green and Dr Christopher Marsh, September 2005.
Wiles Colloquium VI: Britain and the End of Empire: the 1950s organised by Prof Martin Lynn, September 2004. Published as Martin Lynn (ed.), The British Empire in the 1950s: retreat or revival? (Palgrave, 2006).
Wiles Colloquium V: Changing Charters in Britain and Ireland organised by Marie Therese Flanagan and Judith Green, September 2003. Published as Judith Green and Marie Therese Flanagan (eds), Charters and Charter Scholarship in Britain and Ireland (Palgrave, 2005).
Wiles Colloquium IV: Irish and Scottish Diasporas organised by Enda Delaney, September 2002.
Wiles Colloquium III: State-Formation and Resistance in Napoleonic Europe organised by Michael Rowe, September 2001.Published as Michael Rowe (ed.), Collaboration and resistance in Napoleonic Europe: state formation in an age of upheaval, c. 1800-1815 (Palgrave, 2003).
Wiles Colloquium II: The Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy in European Context organised by Richard Butterwick, September 1999.Published as Richard Butterwick (ed.), The Polish-Lithuanian monarchy in European context (Palgrave, 2001).
Wiles Colloquium I: Crowds in Ireland, c. 1720-1920 organised by Peter Jupp and Eoin Magennis, September 1998. Published as Peter Jupp and Eoin Magennis (eds), Crowds in Ireland, c. 1790-1920 (Macmillan, 2000).