Wiles Lectures 2012

The Wiles lectures were given by Professor Peter Hennessy on Wednesday 16 May to Saturday 19 May 2012 on the theme 'History, Country, Autobiography: Writing about one's own times'
Peter Hennessy FBA is Attlee Professor of Contemporary British History at Queen Mary, University of London. He was appointed a cross-bench member of the House of Lords in 2010.
Lecture 1. 'Staying behind and catching up: The contemporary historian's craft' (Wednesday 16 May at 5pm, in Peter Froggat Centre, G01/007)
Lecture 2. 'A very peculiar practice: Watching Prime Ministers' (Thursday 17 May at 5pm, at 5pm, in Peter Froggat Centre, G01/007)
Lecture 3. 'Children of the Uranium Age: The shadow of the bomb' (Friday 18 May at 5pm, in Peter Froggat Centre, G01/007)
Lecture 4. 'A view from a Hogwartian window: The question of the Lords' (Saturday 19 May at 11am, in the Larmour Lecture Theatre (Physics))
The Lectures were published as Distilling the Frenzy: Writing the History of One's Own Times (Biteback Publishing, 2012)