Photography, Public History and Museums
A half-day colloquium organised by the Centre for Public History
Fri 25 May, 12.30pm-5pm, Old Staff Common Room (lunch provided) People's Histories? Photography, Public History and Museums A half-day colloquium organised by the Centre for Public History
Photography’s ability to communicate stories has put it at the heart of public history and museum practice. But do photographs shift both historical storytelling and community engagement in deeper ways? In particular, how can photographic sources best help us to share public history, and how can we use photography to involve a wider public in historical stories? This half day colloquium includes Vivienne Pollock of the Troubles Gallery at the Ulster Museum, Pauline Hadaway of University of Manchester, Dominique Bouchard of the National Army Museum, and our very own Kieran Connell, Olwen Purdue and Lucy Wray.