HAPP Blog: A Changing World
This blog was established in April 2020 to allow students, staff, and members of the public to engage in dialogue and express their thoughts about our changing world.

It is a virtual space for people to share ideas about current affairs and research, and recommend readings, advertise relevant virtual platforms and conferences, and comment on the impact of Covid-19 on their daily lives.
Here is the link to the blog: https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/happ/
We encourage you to take a look and enjoy what has been posted thus far. We will continue to add content to it on a regular basis. If you are so moved, we welcome you to submit your own musings. Entries can take different forms: poetry, prose, academic reflections, photographs, paintings, jokes, lyrics, and others. To ensure that all entries adhere to HAPP ethical guidelines, you are kindly requested to send your contribution by email to happexp@qub.ac.uk. A group of moderators will check the content before it is posted online.