PhD Community

Politics and International Relations at Queen’s assembles one of the largest and most diverse group of scholars in the UK covering almost all areas of politics and international relations. We offer a comprehensive range of approaches, from political theory, political economy, conflict studies, and comparative government to the history of international institutions and foreign policy analysis and many others.
Our community of over 40 politics and international relations doctoral researchers are currently pursuing a diverse range of projects through qualitative and quantitative methods; and with regional foci including Europe and the USA, Africa, East Asia, and Latin America.
We have particularly substantial clusters of researchers in a range of issues and welcome PhD applications to join them:
- International Relations and Politics: particularly in relation to critical international relations theory; international political sociology; migration and borders; international security; and the politics of technology.
- Democracy, Governance and Public Policy: including national, European and international public policy making institutions; Brexit; deliberative democracy; party politics etc. engaged through quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Conflict and Terrorism Studies: including conflict and terrorism in Northern Ireland, Europe, the Middle East; Latin America and others.
- Energy and Environment: Particularly the International Political Economy of Energy and Energy Transitions.
- Political Theory and Political Philosophy: republican political theory, meaningful work and workplace democracy, the ethics and politics of recognition, just war theory, toleration, civility, civil disobedience, deliberative democracy, and contemporary critical theory.
For more details please read this Politics and International Relations PhD Guidance

Our PhD Researchers are connected to a range of centres and institutes in QUB including, the Democracy Group, the Centre for Gender in Politics, the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action, the Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict, and the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.

Many of our PhD researchers undertake periods of fieldwork overseas with a range of organisations. The PhD programme is designed to provide training in the methods of independent research and will help students prepare for a range of careers.

We host regular seminar series on politics, international relations, and political theory and political philosophy. This includes a range of symposia and seminars with high-profile visiting scholars.

We support our doctoral researchers in participating in conferences around the world including PSA, BISA, PSAI, EISA, and ISA. Every year we support our PhD researchers in organising high-profile conferences drawing in researchers from around the world including conferences on cybersecurity themes (through LINCS); and most recently an international conference on non-state political violence that attracted speakers from every region of the world.

Through the ESRC Northern Ireland and North East Doctoral Training Programme and the AHRC Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership there are opportunities for advanced methods training, collaboration and co-supervision across a range of institutions. Through the LINCS programme and individual projects we can also provide inter-disciplinary supervision where a research problem needs the benefit of different approaches.