Frederick Price Lecture, "Making Medical Science Work for Everyone" Professor Dame Anne Johnson

Date: Monday 20 June 2022, 4.30 pm, North Lecture Theatre, Medical Biology Centre
Introductions by: Professor Pascal McKeown, Head of School and Dean of Education, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences and Professor Stuart Elborn, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast
Speaker: Dame Anne Johnson is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at University College London, Co-Director of UCL Health of the Public and President of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences
About Dame Anne Johnson
Dame Anne Johnson is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at University College London, Co-Director of UCL Health of the Public and President of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences. After training in medicine in Cambridge and Newcastle Universities, she specialised in Epidemiology and Public Health.
Her career has focussed on research into the epidemiology and prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted infections as well as other infections such as influenza, Ebola, antimicrobial resistance and COVID-19.
She is a former member of the DEFRA Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change and a former Governor of the Wellcome Trust. She chairs the UK Committee for Strategic Coordination of Health of the Public Research (SCHOPR).
Please note that places will be allocated on a first come/first served basis.