Which language should I learn?

Let’s assume you already speak English, which is the language that most multinational companies use in an international business setting ...
However, if you have a business meeting with a team in France or Germany, and you only speak English, is it fair to expect them all to speak English just to compensate your lack of linguistic skill?
-The Telegraph has put together a list of the top ten languages to study for work-purposes. These rankings are based on a survey carried out for the Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) Education & Skills Survey 2012, in which 542 UK firm managers were asked which languages are useful to their business in today’s global economy. Here you can see which languages have come out on top!
-The BBC can also provide you with information on which languages are best to learn, how and why. Here you can also listen to Radio 4’s Language debate! Click here.
-Therichest.com has made a list of its top 8 languages to learn for business purposes, looking at it in terms of numbers of speakers, in which countries different industries lie, which economies and populations are growing quickest and where business is cheapest. To see which countries have made the list click here.
-Brightknowledge.org has created a great, pupil-friendly page stating different reasons for learning various languages, which you can see here.
When all is said and done, which language you learn is entirely up to you!
Your decision should be based on your willingness and ability to learn, your own career and personal needs, as well as facilities available to teach you it!