Other Languages
For Italian, Mandarin and language learning in general
Student and Teacher Resources
primaryresources.co.uk (Website for primary)
bbc.co.uk (BBC website for KS3 onwards)
bbc.co.uk (Learn Italian through an online adventure)
tes.co.uk (Resources for primary and post-primary on TES website)
scudit.net (Resources by native speakers for adult learners)
primarytreasurechest.com (Resources and ideas for primary)
sparklebox.co.uk (Printable resources for primary and KS3)
almaedizioni.it (Lots of videos, animated comics, login required for some materials)
Media (A-level)
repubblica.it (Official website for La Repubblica newspaper)
lastampa.it (Official website for La Stampa newspaper)
corriere.it (Official website for Il Corriere della Sera newspaper)
espresso (Website for Espresso newspaper)
gazzetta.it (Website for the sports daily newspaper)
ansa.it (Online news from Italy)
internazionale.it (International news in Italian)
ilsole24ore.com (Business news)
Podcasts/ Radio (A-level)
learnitalianpod.com (Learn with podcasts- paid subscription required)
Teacher/ Student resources
chinesecio.com (Offical website for Confucius Institute with resources on language and culture)
bbc.co.uk (BBC website with resources for primary)
britishcouncil.org (British Council resources for Chinese mid-autumn festival)
semanda.com (Flashcard games for all levels)
twinkl.co.uk (Chinese New Year resources for primary)
twinkl.co.uk (Chinese restaurant materials for primary)
Other websites and apps for language teaching and learning:
nicurriculum.org.uk (Resources for Irish, German, French and Spanish for primary level)
scilt (Scottish Cilt website with lots of primary languages resources for teachers to use in their classrooms. Available in full range of languages)
tes.co.uk (Resources for all subjects and levels. Site is password protected but is free to use, you can download and upload resources)
languagesresources.co.uk (Website with resources for French, German and Spanish mainly at post-primary level)
rachelhawkes.com (Rachel's official website with resources and ideas for French and Spanish)
languagenut.com/uk (Electronic and printable resources for French, Spanish, German, Italian and Mandarin. All levels of curriculum)
lightbulblanguages.co.uk (Website with resources for French, German, Spanish and Italian for post-primary and primary level)
languagesonline.org.uk (Website with resources for all levels of French, Italian, Latin, Spanish and German)
euroclubschools.co.uk (Website with resources in French, Spanish and Italian)
babbel.com (Interactive activities for multiple languages)
bbc.co.uk/education (BBC Bitesize- with resources and video clips for a range of subjects and levels)
bbc.co.uk (Archived BBC page with post-primary languages resources)
bbc.co.uk/learningzone (BBC website with short videos over a range of topics)
twinkl.co.uk (Resources for all levels, covering a wide range of languages)
learnalanguage.com (Links with information on learning a range of languages)
linguascope.com (Interactive resources and printable materials available with paid subscription. For English, French, Italian, Spanish and German)
teacherled.com (Interactive clock to teach time)
memrise.com (Website for vocabulary learning)
yabla.com (Video resources on a range of topics for Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese and English. 90 day free trial)
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