2022 NI Business Challenge
Queen’s Management School, in partnership with BDO Northern Ireland and Henderson Group, have launched the NI Business Challenge for 2022.

Building on the success of previous years, the School, in conjunction with BDO (NI) and Henderson Group, will be hosting the 2022 NI Business Challenge for Schools on Wednesday 9 February 2022 in Riddel Hall.
Similar to previous years, this initiative is aimed at Lower 6th/Year 13 pupils and, using a real-world example, the objectives of the business game are to support the NI Business Studies curriculum and facilitate the development of pupils’ business skills and knowledge in an enjoyable and interactive forum.
Ciaran Connolly, Professor in accounting, Queen’s University Belfast, said: “The case study addresses a range of very current and important issues, with the event providing students with an exciting opportunity to engage with their peers from other schools in putting forward suggestions as to how these might be addressed.”
The winning team will receive VIP tickets for a Belfast Giants game, £500 for their school and a bespoke trophy.