A Look Back on 2022 at Queen's Management School
2022 was a big, bold year for Queen’s Management School. We took the time to reflect on some of our key achievements this year.

The School
- We said a fond farewell to Interim Head of School Professor Patrick McCole and welcomed Professor Ravishankar to Belfast as our new Dean and Head of School.
- We were voted No. 1 for Graduate Outcomes in Accounting and Finance (Times 2023).
- Overall, 81% of our research submitted to REF 2021 was judged to be world leading or internationally excellent.
New Dean and Head of School Professor Ravishankar
Our Students
- We supported 3634 students currently registered at QMS: 2355 undergraduates, 1213 postgraduate taught (including MBA), and 66 postgraduate research students. They come from all over the island of Ireland and GB, and countries including China, India, Morocco, Kuwait, Hungary, Ghana, and Brazil.
- Our dedicated Placement Office supported 354 students to gain a placement this year both locally and internationally. Placement employers include FinTrU, Disney London, Schwarzman Residences New York, Citco, JP Morgan, L'Oreal, and Sevilla Football Club.
- Our alumni have been doing incredible work: check out what Angelica Cullinan, Azhar Murtuza, Francesca Morelli, and Jordan McMullen have been up to this year.
- Our LinkedIn alumni group was established so that our graduates can keep in touch with each other and help to develop their careers, request to join here.
- Dr Chris Colvin and Professor John Turner secured 3.8million Euros in funding for the new, joint All Ireland Centre of Excellence for Economics, History and Policy in partnership with Trinity College Dublin’s Department of Economics.
- Professor Shuang Ren was appointed as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Management.
- Professor Niall Cullinane secured over £700,000 from the Economic and Social Research Council for a joint research project into employment conditions in online retail warehouses in the UK.
- Professor Mark Palmer led on innovative research into the geothermal energy sector.
Professor Mark Palmer and colleagues
- We received a major £1m donation towards our new building and state-of-the-art facilities, due to open in 2023.
- 42 new members of staff, both academic and professional services, were appointed to the School in 2022. We have created new staff directories to help organise staff following our rapid expansion.
- We expanded to six Academic Departments and welcomed four new Heads of Department into their new roles.
- We launched the MSc in Actuarial Science, a full time postgraduate programme aimed at students with undergraduate degrees from the disciplines of maths, statistics, finance or related areas.
- The Clinton Leadership Institute at QMS launched the Help to Grow: Management Course in Northern Ireland and the Advanced Manufacturing Leadership Programme.
Help to Grow: Management Programme launch
- We were officially awarded the Small Business Charter in recognition of our commitment to supporting student entrepreneurship, small businesses, and the local economy, adding to our accreditations.
- For his excellent work in coordinating accreditations, Dr Alan Hanna won an award for Outstanding Leadership.
- In support of the local economy and further afield, we launched our Business Hub including the brand-new Data Duo Mentoring Programme for MSc Business Analytics students and professionals looking to better understand their business data.
- We were recognised for the second time by the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) for achieving “Excellence in Reporting” at the PRME Global Forum, thanks to the work of Dr Laura Steele.
NI CIPD Award winners with Dr Grainne Kelly
Sponsorships and Events
- We sponsored events and initiatives such as the Northern Ireland CIPD Awards, Family Business of the Year Awards, Vava Influence Awards, and enjoyed an evening at the NI Chamber of Commerce President’s Banquet 2022.
- We hosted the annual Mary McAleese Diversity Lecture, with the inimitable Professor Deirdre McCloskey as keynote speaker.
- The Future of the UK Economy event was hosted at QMS, in conjunction with the Resolution Foundation.
Goodbye 2022
We rounded off the year with a festive celebration for all our hardworking colleagues who keep Queen’s Management School running, researching, teaching, communicating and brimming with ideas for the future. Thanks to everyone who has supported us this year and we wish you all an abundant 2023.