Travel Scholarship Opportunities
Please see below travel scholarship opportunities available to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students registered at Queen’s.

Travel Scholarships (Domestic and International)
These scholarships are awarded by the University's Student Scholarships and Awards Group. Other opportunities may be available from your School or Faculty or may be included in the University's Funding and Scholarships Finder.
AIB (NI) Travel Scholarship - OPEN
This scholarship was established in 1982 through a donation by the Trustee Savings Bank of Northern Ireland to the Development Appeal. It was renamed the First Trust Travel Scholarship in recognition of the merger and name change from TSB to First Trust which took place in 1992. In 2021 it was renamed the AIB (NI) Travel Scholarship.
One scholarship of up to £650 may be awarded for travel that occurred or will occur between April 2025 and March 2026 (the outbound date must be within these dates).
This award will be made to an exceptional undergraduate or postgraduate student of Queen’s University Belfast in recognition of their outstanding proposal for planned activities outside Britain/Ireland.
The travel must be in connection with a programme planned to extend the student’s educational experience.
Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible to apply.
Additional Information:
- These scholarships are tenable with any other travel scholarship or travel grant.
- Travel must be undertaken before graduation.
- The holders of these scholarships will be required to provide a report to the Student Scholarships and Awards Group on the activities engaged in during the tenure of the scholarship.
- Provisional travel plans can be submitted. Once the award has been made the recipient must notify of any proposed changes to their travel arrangements. The proposed changes will be considered by the Chair of the Student Scholarships and Awards Group for approval.
- Payment of the sum awarded will be authorised on production of evidence that the travel booking has been made and after travel has taken place.
All awards are subject to funding availability.
Applications for the AIB (NI) Travel Scholarship will close on Monday 31 March 2025 at 4pm.
Apply for the AIB (NI) Travel Scholarship.
Travel Scholarships (North America)
These scholarships are awarded by the University's Student Scholarships and Awards Group. Other opportunities may be available from your School or Faculty or may be included in the University's Funding and Scholarships Finder.
Alan Graham Fund - OPEN
This fund was established in 1985 by family, friends, and colleagues to honour the memory of Alan Graham, who, as an academic in the field of American Studies (1950-1978) and as Secretary to Academic Council (1978-1984), earned widespread respect and affection throughout the University.
A travel scholarship of approximately £650 shall be awarded annually to an undergraduate or postgraduate student of the University to pursue a period of study or research in North America.
Preference will be given to a candidate whose study or research is in the field of American Studies.
This application is open for travel that occurred or will occur between April 2025 and March 2026 (the outbound date must be within these dates).
All awards are subject to funding availability.
Applications for the Alan Graham Fund Travel Scholarship will close on Monday 31 March 2025 at 4pm.
Apply for the Alan Graham Fund Travel Scholarship.