
Yassine conducts research into financial economics, financial intermediation, empirical banking and corporate finance. He teaches modules with a focus on fixed income instruments and financial market theory.

David's teaching and research background is in actuarial science, finance, and financial history. His research focuses on the history of asset management, financial regulation, shareholder liability, and preference shares. David teaches financial engineering, economics, and finance for managers.

Director of Postgraduate Education
Lisa’s research is focussed on sustainable and ethical finance, Islamic finance, and leadership development. Her expertise includes business engagement across a range of industry sectors. She has led several consultancy projects and organised outreach and engagement events for business owners and stakeholders. She teaches introductory finance at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels.

Head of Department of Finance; Programme Director (BSc Finance, BSc Financial Risk Management)
Gareth conducts research into long run patterns in asset pricing and corporate finance. He teachings mathematics for finance at undergraduate level.

Arbab has taught modules on Market Microstructure, Financial Derivatives, Portfolio Management, Fixed-Income Investments and Quantitative Methods in Finance. His research is primarily in Behavioural Finance and Asset Pricing.

Christopher's research examines financial market structure and development, fixed income markets, corporate finance, and financial history. He teaches international finance at undergraduate level and market microstructure at postgraduate level.

Minyou’s research interests include empirical asset pricing, foreign exchange markets, financial econometrics, and FinTech. He teaches software and programming skills to undergraduates.

Programme Director (MSc Actuarial Science)
Mark conducts research into actuarial science and insurtech. He teaches actuarial statistics, actuarial research methods, actuarial modelling, enterprise risk management, and risk analytics.

Programme Director (MSc Finance)
Philip is a financial economist, with interests in banking, corporate finance, corporate governance and financial history. He studies the evolution of corporate decision making using a combination of financial data and archival evidence. Additionally, his research answers contemporary questions on dividend stability, investments and capital structure adjustment. He currently teaches equity research to undergraduate students, and corporate finance at the MBA level.

Declan's research interests are health economics and household finance. His work has contributed to the UK's financial capability strategy, EU policy on the role of housing equity release, and policy on Northern Ireland's credit unions. Declan teaches finance, actuarial science and risk management at undergraduate level, with a focus on stochastic processes. Additionally, he teaches credit risk management at postgraduate level.

Áine's research examines the role of women as investors and active participants in corporate governance. She teaches various courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels, including behavioural finance, equity research, and financial statement analysis.

Dun's research interests lie in behavioral finance, especially investor behaviour analysis based on big data approaches. He has teaches financial econometrics and data science.

Director of Accreditation
Alan is a financial technologist. His research interests include the application of algorithms and computational techniques to problems in finance and related fields, and pedagogical practices. He teaches computational methods in finance at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Joseph's expertise is in the field of sustainable finance, with a special focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics and application in practice. Joseph's teaching interests are equity research and investment valuation.

Adviser of Study (BSc Actuarial Science and Risk Management)
Bronagh is a qualified actuary. She teaches actuarial science at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Fearghal's research focuses on financial markets. His specific interests include commodity finance, option volatility, predictive analytics, and functional data. He teaches asset pricing and financial econometrics.

Adviser of Studies for Finance (levels one and two); Adviser of Studies of Financial Risk Management
Yang conducts research into corporate finance and asset pricing, with special interests in real options, real flexibility and their implications on stock tail risks. Yang teaches monetary theory and corporate finance at undergraduate level. He also teaches financial markets and investment and asset pricing to postgraduates.

Yangke's research interests are primarily in corporate finance, corporate governance, and banking research. He has taught modules in capital markets, investment analysis, and financial engineering.

Jiadong’s research interests include momentum and other factor investing, currency market anomaly, climate finance, and other topics in empirical asset pricing. He teaches introductory finance to undergraduates, and derivatives to postgraduates.

Programme Director (BSc Actuarial Science and Risk Management)
Neil is a qualified actuary. He teaches actuarial mathematics and actuarial applications to undergraduates, and actuarial mathematics to postgraduates.

Examination Officer (Finance and Actuarial Science programmes)
Gillian is a qualified actuary. Her research focuses on the no negative equity guarantee feature of equity release mortgages. She teaches the principles of actuarial modelling, actuarial econometrics and data science at undergraduate level, and actuarial modelling at postgraduate level.

Adviser of Studies (Level III)
Liangyi's research primarily focuses on the derivatives market. His specific interests include option-implied information, market microstructure, and recovery theorem. He teaches financial risk modelling to undergraduates, and derivatives at postgraduate level.

Adviser of Study (BSc Finance, Level I and II)
William is a financial historian. His research focuses on historical financial bubbles, stock markets, fraud, and market manipulation. He teaches finance at undergraduate level with a specific focus on fintech, financial bubbles, and financial crises.

Co-Director of FAIR Lab
Barry's research addresses financial regulation, tail risk analytics, AI and machine learning in finance, efficiency and productivity analytics, climate finance, and association football. He teaches advanced econometrics, advanced financial data science, algorithmic trading and investment, and financial machine learning at postgraduate level.

Tripti’s research interests are household finance, asset pricing and real estate. Her research focuses on equity release mortgages, housing equity release products, home energy efficiency and currency return predictability. Tripti teaches financial econometrics at undergraduate level. Also, she teaches survival modelling to actuaries at postgraduate level.

Programme Director (MSc Risk and Investment Management)
Yerzhan's research focuses on corporate finance and governance issues, such as mergers and acquisitions, divestments, diversification and shareholder voting. He teaches equity valuation at undergraduate level, and corporate finance to postgraduates.

Co-Director, Centre for Economic History; Co-Director, Centre for Economics, Policy and History
John is a financial economist and historian. His research addresses questions in the fields of economic history, business history and financial history. He is interested in financial bubbles, financial crises, banking, corporate governance and regional productivity. He teaches corporate finance at undergraduate level.

Clive researches the nature and role of news media in financial crises, in both historical and contemporary settings. He teaches monetary economics at undergraduate level.