Information Technology, Analytics, and Operations (ITAO)
Information Technology, Analytics, and Operations (ITAO)

Area of expertise lies in the fields of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, (Big) Data Science, and Operational Research/Management Science, with a particular focus on boosting business productivity, fostering regional competitiveness, and enhancing societal welfare, and a well-rounded commitment to driving positive multi-dimensional impact.

Byron’s expertise is using data to gain actionable insights for business and the public sector. From a technical perspective this spans the areas of data science and big data analytics, including the application of machine learning and other statistical models, natural language processing, and advanced data visualisation. Byron’s teaching interests focus on business analytics from a technical and a managerial perspective, as well as statistics and research methods.

Stephanie conducts research into environmental operations and supply chain management, company responses to environmental challenges and stakeholder pressures, the link between environmental efforts and company performance, and implementation of environmental practices. She teaches supply chain management and operations management at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Director of Certificate and Diploma Programmes at the William J Clinton Leadership Institute
Hangfei’s main research focus lies on operational research, operations management and supply chain management. Her current research aims to bridge the gap between mathematical tractability and practical applicability using analytical models and optimization techniques on one hand, and empirical studies employing data-driven and prescriptive methods on the other hand.

Exams Officer (MSc Business Analytics and MSc Human Resource Management)
Faersheed's research interests include model-based and data-driven healthcare operations management and healthcare analytics. He is particularly interested in planning and scheduling specialty care services such as cancer treatments. He teaches decision-making and prescriptive analytics modules at postgraduate level, and supervises dissertations in business analytics.

Mohsen's research focuses on operational and organisational aspects of developing new products and technologies. His research lies at the intersection of operations management, operations research, and technology management. Mohsen’s teaching expertise is in machine learning, system dynamics and simulation, and economic evaluations of healthcare technologies.

Dionysios's research interests include the use of statistical and econometric methods on various topics related to information systems, financial technology, and business analytics. He has teaching expertise in risk analytics, big data, and econometrics for business.

Rohit is a mixed-methods researcher and conducts research in artificial intelligence adoption and diffusion, algorithmic management, AI ethics, and innovation. His teaching interests are in technology management, business intelligence and data mining, and digital transformations.

Rohit's current research interests include artificial intelligence, green information systems, digital sustainability, and the business value of IT. He teaches subjects related to data mining, data analytics, data visualization, and artificial intelligence / machine learning for managers.

Programme Director (MSc Management)
Niladri's research expertise is in using optimisation techniques from operational research to address management issues, particularly in supply chain and operations management. His teaching interests are in supply chain management, operations management, operations research, and statistics for decision-making.

Qiao conducts research into merger and acquisition behavior in credit unions, bankruptcy prediction in credit unions, energy system management, the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques, and data science. She teaches data management at postgraduate level.

Dean and Head of School
Ravi's scholarship is in the fields of strategic coordination of technology outsourcing, and the management of digital innovations. He has taught in the areas of strategic management of multinational enterprises, strategies for emerging markets, and technology management.

Jelena conducts research into supply chain management and logistics operations. Her research focuses on sustainability and circular economy, supply chain vulnerability, risks, robustness and resilience, environmentally friendly logistics practices, industrial symbiosis, supply chain relationships and new information technologies in supply chains. She teaches operations management, with a focus on managing sustainable operations.

Reza’s research focuses on sustainable and closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, risk, and disruption. He is also interested in humanitarian supply chains and supply chain performance analysis. He solves these problems using research tools such as mathematical programming, stochastic optimisation, big data analytics, statistical learning, inferential statistics and problem structuring methods. Reza has taught widely in his fields of expertise, including at Master’s and PhD level.

Head of Department of ITAO
Min conducts research into operations and supply chain management, business analytics, and innovation. His teaching interests are advanced analytics and machine learning.