2021 Fellows
I am delighted to be awarded the inaugural Publishing Fellowship from the Seamus Heaney Centre. Having spent several years working on publishing in my spare time with The Lifeboat Press, it will be wonderful to have more time to focus on this kind of activity. I look forward to being able to engage with, and add to the long-standing poetry publishing culture of the city and the University. Dr Manuela Moser
Publishing Fellow 2021

Manuela Moser recently completed a PhD in Poetry, at Queen's University Belfast. She is co-founder and editor of The Lifeboat reading series and Lifeboat Press. Her poetry has appeared in The Stinging Fly, Poetry Ireland Review, Hotel, Copper Nickel, The Tangerine, and a pamphlet is forthcoming from Bad Betty Press. She was awarded the Ireland Chair of Poetry Travel Award in 2020.

Louise Kennedy is a prose writer. Her work has been published in The Tangerine, The Stinging Fly, Banshee and Winter Papers, with food writing in The Guardian and Irish Times, and scripts for RTE Radio 1 and BBC Radio 4. She was shortlisted for Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award in 2019 and 2020. She has just completed a PhD, the critical component of which was on the writer Norah Hoult (1898-1984); in 2019 she wrote the introduction to the New Island Books reissue of Hoult’s 1948 novel Farewell Happy Fields. Bloomsbury will publish her debut short story collection, The End of the World is a Cul de Sac, in April 2021.

Padraig Regan is the author of two poetry pamphlets: Delicious (Lifeboat Press, 2016) and Who Seemed Alive & Altogether Real (Emma Press, 2017). In 2015, they were the recipient of an Eric Gregory Award. They hold a PhD on creative-critical and hybridised writing practices in medieval texts and the work of Anne Carson, from the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s. Padraig is currently working towards their first full-length collection.

Date: 13/05/2021
Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Online
Category: Lecture / Talk / Discussion

The Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s University Belfast has appointed Louise Kennedy and Padraig Regan as the inaugural Ciaran Carson Writing and the City Fellows for 2020-21.