Trauma of Violence and its Impact on Young People
In July, colleagues from Queen’s University, Ulster University, the Department of Justice, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, the Youth Justice Agency, the Education Authority, Children in Need, the Probation Board and community services took part in an ARK roundtable event to explore the impact of violence on young people and the ways in which joined up approaches could reduce incidences as well as the harm that it causes.
School of SSESW researcher Colm Walsh (Criminology), who presented at the event and co-authored the policy briefing, commented
"The ARK roundtable event has highlighted how exposed young people in Northern Ireland are to violence in the community, as well as the importance of academics working in partnership with policy makers and practitioners to improve outcomes for children and young people. There is great potential for materially reducing the harm that violence causes by embedding evidence in policy and practice."
The summary of the discussion and policy paper is available at