Research Environment and Culture
The School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work has a successful record of sponsoring and hosting outstanding candidates for prestigious post-doctoral fellowship competitions.
These Fellowships provide opportunities for those at an early stage of their academic careers, but with a proven record of excellent research, to join our departmental research community to complete a doctoral qualification and support on funded research projects.
At the start of the pandemic we introduced weekly ‘30 Minutes With’ sessions. Delivered online, these sessions aim to provide opportunity for colleagues across the school and beyond to share research ideas, plans and findings. In the absence of face to face contact, they have proved a popular mechanism for research engagement and networking. More than 30 talks have now been delivered and upcoming sessions can be found on our School Events page.
Also in response to the pandemic, we provided seed corn research funding for colleagues interested in exploring the impact of COVID 19 and associated lockdowns on individuals and wider society. This funding, intended for exploratory projects, has in some cases led to the development of large scale, externally funded research applications, and some of our recent successes are listed on our Collaborations and Current Projects page.