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Why Queen’s produces the best graduates

Why employers hire Queen's graduates

Our students offer more than just academic excellence.

We asked leading employers what stands Queen’s student apart. Read on to hear what they had to say.

Employers who hire Queen's graduates tell us the same thing: our graduates are well-rounded individuals who leave university with a set of transferable skills that helps them excel in the workplace. We are focussed on nurturing the next generation of talent to strive to develop their skills and to never stop learning. 

Queen’s University Belfast was placed 206 in QS World University Rankings 2025.
(QS World University Rankings 2025)

Queen's University Belfast is ranked 38th in Europe in Europe University Rankings
(QS World University Rankings 2025)

Queen's University Belfast is ranked 103 in the world
(QS Sustainability Ranking 2025)

‘Well-rounded individuals’

“Employers want to see transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership that really make a candidate stand out. We are looking for well-rounded individuals who have both the aptitude and the attitude to thrive within their business. Queen’s Careers Service works closely with employers such as Almac, they know what we are looking for and can really provide added value through employability training and support.

The Future-Ready Award provides students with a great opportunity to develop and hone the key skills needed to succeed within the workplace. Queen’s students benefit from exceptional teaching and facilities with the opportunity to undertake industrial placements as part of their degree programmes.”

Kim McAllister, Talent Acquisition Manager, Almac Group

‘The right attitude’

“We look for people who are enthusiastic, passionate and willing to learn. Attitude to work is important, and when we have Queen’s students join our team, we have found that willingness to train and learn is a great benefit.”

Joelene Ridgill, HR Manager, Seacoya Group Ltd

‘Curious, creative individuals’

“We are looking for individuals who are curious, creative, and have an interest in constantly developing. People who can take initiative, ask hard questions, and develop their skillset. We expect our graduate recruits to speak up, ask questions, and research topics. We don’t expect them to know everything, but we want to see them proactively learning and engaging. An academic record is fantastic but I want to know about volunteer experience, part-time jobs, clubs… It’s all about showing that you are capable of doing more and pushing yourself.

We’ve had a long relationship with Queen’s and we have a large workforce of Queen’s students who have built successful careers in Citi globally.”

Jared Kearney, Senior EMEA Campus Talent Partner (Belfast & Dublin), Citi

‘Willing to go above and beyond’

“I always remember students that are outgoing and not afraid to strike up a conversation. I'm always impressed by students that juggled their degree with a part-time job and some extracurricular activities as it shows that they have excellent time management and good life experience. It’s not just about having the grades, transferrable skills are also important. Well-rounded individuals who can adapt to different environments and bring something new to the table are very appealing. Students make an impact if they go above and beyond to help others. It could be that they offer to help someone who is struggling to get a job finished for a deadline or just something as small as offering to make tea or coffee for your team. Queen's is a prestigious institution with a renowned reputation for producing excellent graduates ... there's a reason it's ranked in the top universities in the world!”

Robbie Barr, Partner, Muldoon + Co

‘Passion, enthusiasm and always learning’

“We look for passion and enthusiasm. We need people who are quick to adapt and always learning. Our past interns have participated in hackathons, talked at events and helped out with recruitment.”

Birgitta Swanberg, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, Liberty IT


‘Willingness to develop and learn’

“We look for a willingness to develop and learn, enthusiasm, reliability and the ability to work alone. We’re impressed by enthusiastic students with a positive attitude who never stop learning or wanting to develop their knowledge. Students make an impact by thinking outside the box; taking responsibility for projects and by working hard.”

Geraldine Murphy, Belfast Zoo


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