One of the leading universities in the UK and Ireland, with a distinguished heritage and history. With an annual turnover of some £300m, over 23,000 students and 3,700 staff, Queen’s plays a unique leadership role in Northern Ireland.
As a member of the Russell Group of UK research-intensive universities, Queen’s combines excellence in research and education with a student-centred ethos.
Driven by the Vision 2020 strategic plan Queen’s is developing as a world-class international university that supports outstanding students and staff, working in world-class facilities, conduction leading edge education and research, focused on the needs of society.
That strategy created three new Faculties led by three new Pro Vice Chancellors – including the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences led by Professor Chris Elliot.
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University Achievements
- Top 1 per cent of universities in the world
- A UK top ten research-intensive university (REF 2014)
- 26 of the 28 subject areas submitted to REF 2014 were ranked in the UK top 20 for research intensity
- 20th most international university in the world 2015 (Times Higher Education)
- One of only seven universities in the UK to hold an Athena SWAN Silver Institutional Award
- Six Queen’s Anniversary Prize Awards, the most recent for the Centre for Secure Information Technologies in February 2016
- 94 per cent of our graduates are in employment or further study six months after graduation
- 17 Queen’s subjects in the UK top 20 (Complete University Guide 2015)
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Professor Ian Greer will become the Institution’s 13th President and Vice-Chancellor when he takes up post in August 2018. Until then, Professor James McElnay is acting Vice-Chancellor. He is supported by the Registrar and Chief Operating Officer, James O’Kane, and by six Pro-Vice-Chancellors, each with defined policy or territorial portfolio:
- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – Adrienne Scullion
- Education and Students – David Jones
- Engineering and Physical Sciences – Mark Price
- Internationalisation and Engagement – Richard English
- Medicine, Health and Life Sciences – Chris Elliot
- Research and Postgraduates – Currently vacant
The Acting President and Vice-Chancellor chairs the University Executive Board (UEB), which is responsible for developing the Corporate Plan, as well as approved strategies to support its delivery. Membership of the UEB, which reports directly to the Planning and Finance Committee, is made up of the Registrar and Chief Operating Officer, the six Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the Directors of Finance and of Marketing, Recruitment, Communications and Internationalisation.
The Registrar and Chief Operating Officer is the head of a unified administration, responsible for managing, leading and coordinating the provision of a comprehensive range of professional support services. These integrated professional services are delivered through nine Directorates. The Registrar and Chief Operating Officer chairs the University Operating Board (UOB), which is responsible for overseeing the implementation of all University strategies and policies. Membership of the UOB comprises of the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the nine Professional Services Directors.
The senior management team within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, led by the Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor, is comprised of the Deans of Research, Education, Graduate Studies, and Internationalisation, the Heads of School, the Director's of the Global Research Institute's (GRI) and the Faculty Director of Operations. They form the membership of the Faculty Executive Board, which is chaired by the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor and is empowered to develop and execute the Faculty’s strategy and vision, to create an integrated approach to planning and resource allocation across the four Schools and the GRI's, to encourage collaboration and maximize the creativity across the Faculty, to enhance accountability and performance management and to set, and deliver against, Corporate Plan targets.
Further information about the Management Structure can be found here.
Return to TopThe Vision for Queen’s is to be a world class international university that supports outstanding students and staff, working in world class facilities, conducting leading-edge education and research, focused on the needs of society.
In October 2014, Vision 2020 was approved by Senate and marked the beginning of a new phase in Queen’s journey. Underpinning Vision 2020 is the development of an ambitious culture that seeks to embrace collective leadership, innovation, transparency and an adaptive approach to change. Vision 2020 is shaped by a number of principles:
- developing a culture of integrated, empowered and enabled leadership;
- becoming more financially independent and growing in key priority areas, including research income and postgraduate and international student numbers
- developing and implementing Academic Standards that align with Vision 2020;
- creating empowered and accountable Faculties;
- facilitating and enabling interdisciplinarity and a collaborative approach to delivery;
- creating a Graduate School and growing a strong and vibrant postdoctoral community; and,
- enhancing our positive impact on society.