The mission of the Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education (CBSE) is to deliver high quality education in the basic medical sciences to biomedical science, medical, dental and pharmacy students, equipping them for their professional careers in hospitals, general practices, diagnostic and research laboratories, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, academic research or postgraduate study.
About Us
CBSE is responsible for organising and coordinating the Biomedical Science, Human Biology and Medical Science (Intercalated) degrees of the School, and for teaching anatomy, physiology and tissue biology in years 1 and 2 of the Medicine course, years 1 and 2 of the Dentistry course and year 1 of the Pharmacy course. It also delivers a very successful MSc Programme in Clinical Anatomy. We have modern, state-of-the-art laboratories, blending traditional approaches with the latest digital and web-based technology.
Our courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills base required for life-long learning in one of the most rapidly expanding areas of modern science. The Biomedical Science degree has been accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science since 2008 and we plan to seek accreditation for the Human Biology degree.
All academic staff in CBSE are Fellows/Senior Fellows of Advance HE and many of the lecturers on our courses are world-class researchers who enrich their teaching with methods and models from the cutting edge of biomedical research and whose international collaborations provide our students with research opportunities abroad. Professional Biomedical Scientists from the local Health Service diagnostic laboratories also make a major contribution throughout our programme. We provide our students with the key skills to function effectively in research and diagnostic laboratories within the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries, Academia and the Health Service. Our graduates demonstrate practical laboratory skills combined with critical thinking and a creative understanding of experimental design. In addition to specific course content, we place a strong emphasis on teamwork and communication skills, problem solving and IT, aimed to enable our students for careers beyond those immediately related to medicine.
Future Plans
CBSE staff are critical to the development, design and delivery of classes and units (in Years 1 and 2 in particular) in the new undergraduate medical curriculum, and there will be a particular focus on review processes for the first few years of delivery to ensure that the new curriculum is delivering as it is planned to do. Other future plans for CBSE include enhancing student employability, supporting the educational development of academic colleagues, extending widening participation activities and expanding the provision of external courses in Anatomy.