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Carer's Research Support Fund

Participation in conferences, training, and research-related events is a cornerstone of career development for academics and researchers. However, participation in such activities can be more difficult for those with caring responsibilities.  Queen’s is committed to supporting parents and carers in their engagement with work-related training activities, as part of its broader approach to enhancing and enabling an inclusive and supportive research culture.

The Carer’s Research Support Fund (CRSF) has been designed to contribute towards the cost of care that is additional to normal care provision when staff are attending career development activities such as conferences, training, or other research-related events.

The fund has been developed by the Queen’s Gender Initiative as part of the Institutional Athena Swan Programme and is launched in partnership with the Research & Enterprise Directorate.

The fund is running in 2024/25 as a pilot and thereafter will be evaluated for uptake and efficacy.  Expansion of the fund to additional staff categories will be considered after the pilot period.

For information on eligibility, the application and claims process, please refer to the guidance and policy document.

  • Eligibility

    The fund is open to Academic (T&R), Academic (Education) and Research staff of all grades, employed on either a Permanent or Fixed Term Contract, with caring responsibilities who deliver research at Queen’s.  The definition of research in this context includes pedagogy.

    Under HMRC regulations, the activity being undertaken e.g. conference, must be work-related training, on university business, which is defined as any training course or other activity which is designed to impart, instill, improve or reinforce any knowledge, skills or personal qualities which:

    • are, or are likely to prove, useful to the employee when performing his/her duties; or
    • will qualify or better qualify the employee to undertake the employment, or to participate in charitable or voluntary activities arising through the employment.

    Under HMRC tax regulations, there are no personal tax implications for the staff member if the reimbursement is for caring needs, and the work-related training criteria is met. 

  • What Can the Fund Support?

    Eligible staff can apply for up to £500 per academic year (1 August – 31 July) for additional caring costs while attending work-related training activities such as conferences, workshops, training or partnership-building engagements, directly linked to their research at Queen’s.

    The fund will contribute to costs associated with the additional care of dependants i.e. care that is additional to normal care provision.   A 'dependant' is defined as the staff member’s spouse or civil partner, child or parent, or someone living in the same household who is not their employee, lodger, or boarder and relies on the staff member for their care.

    The fund can contribute to various expenses, including additional time at nursery or day-care, extra hours for a registered childminder, additional elderly care, nursing, medical, or respite care supplied by a care provider registered with an agency, and additional after-school clubs.

    Payments cannot be made to family members unless they are registered childminders or registered care providers.

    The fund cannot support conferences, training events, or activities that are not directly related to research or pedagogy aligned with the relevant School/Centre.

    Currently, the fund cannot support travel and accommodation for dependants accompanying a staff member to a conference or other career development activity.  This will be reviewed after the pilot period. 

  • Application Process

    Applicants are required to complete a short application, which can be accessed here.

    Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis until the fund is fully allocated.

    Eligibility and approval will be determined by colleagues in the Research & Enterprise Directorate in consultation with the Queen’s Gender Initiative team, if required. 

    Applications must be submitted prior to the planned research activity and should include evidence of anticipated costs.  Applicants are also required to seek approval from their Head of School or Director of Research. This endorsement should be submitted along with the application.

  • Claims Process

    Costs should be claimed via your School by submitting your approved application form, CRSF Staff Claim Form and original receipts. 

    Care services must be supplied by a registered care provider or agency.  The claim should include details of the additional hours of care, dates, times, and associated costs. In cases of self-employed registered childminders, a written receipt detailing additional hours of care with dates, times and the provider's signature will be accepted if submitted with a copy of their Registration Certificate from a Health Trust in Northern Ireland.  Carers without this certificate or without agency receipts are ineligible.

  • Monitoring and Review

    Successful applicants will be required to provide a brief follow-up report detailing the impact of the funding.

    The fund is initially structured as a 1-year pilot. We welcome feedback from all staff.  If you would like to comment on any aspect of the fund, please complete the all-staff feedback form.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    1. What if my care provider does not provide formal receipts?

    Registered childminders are recognised as self-employed carers who must be registered with the Early Years Team in a local Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland. Therefore, a written receipt detailing additional hours of care with dates, times and the provider's signature will be accepted if submitted with a copy of their Registration Certificate from a Health Trust in Northern Ireland.  Carers without this certificate or without agency receipts are ineligible.

    1. The guidance states that I can claim up to £500 in a financial year. What does this mean?

    To streamline the financial administration of the scheme, it adheres to Queen’s financial year (1st August – 31st July). This structure allows for claims up to £500 within this defined period.

    1. If my claim is unsuccessful, do I have to wait 12 months to apply again?

    No, applicants can submit a further application within the funding round, but the maximum claim remains at £500 within any given financial year.

    1. I am no longer able to attend the conference/the conference is cancelled, what should I do?

    In the event of a change in circumstances or the cancellation of a conference, immediate communication with both the Line Manager and the R&E team ( is essential. This ensures the prompt reclaiming of any funds transferred to the School or Directorate, and the timely cancellation of booked care.

    1. What does it mean that the activity being undertaken must be considered as work-related training?

    Under HMRC regulations, additional care costs for dependants are not considered as a benefit in kind and therefore subject to personal tax, if the activity being undertaken is considered as work-related training, on university business.  Applicants to the fund are required to complete and sign a declaration on the application form that the activity they are undertaking adheres to the HMRC definition of work-related training.  The full definition can be found in Section 1a.   

CRSF Application
Application Form
CRSF Staff Claim Form
Claim Form