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Interested in finding out about the Science Shop?
Check out our most Frequently Asked Questions below from Academic Staff.
Can't find the answer you are looking for? Contact us with your question and we would be happy to discuss.
What is the Science Shop and how can it benefit me and my students?
What exactly does the Science Shop do?
The Science Shop works across all of Queen's University Faculties linking the skills of our students, supported by their academic supervisors, to support community groups needs through curriculum-based research projects and dissertations.
The Science Shop works with a number of community groups and voluntary sector organisations, for example, Ulster Cancer Foundation, National Trust, Bryson Recycling, Age NI, and Women’s Aid.
We work closely with our community groups to help them develop research topics that cover many academic disciplines. We also organise the initial meetings for students with the organisations and accompany them to meetings (which you may also attend if you have time).
Most importantly we help the students to negotiate the projects in a way suitable to their interests and their academic requirements. Nothing is finalised until the academic supervisor approves the project.
It is our responsibility to make sure that the research results are shared with the organisations that work with the students.
- How can working with the Science Shop benefit my students?
There are many benefits your students can obtain from completing a Science Shop project.
Science Shop projects can be beneficial for students who are struggling to develop their own research topics.
Knowing that an organisation is interested in the results of the research can really help to motivate students to succeed in their projects.
Students have the opportunity to develop their skills which contributes to their Personal Development Plans (PDP) whilst still working through the curriculum. Working and collaborating with a client is an amazing asset to have on a student's CV.
- What if I have my own idea for a research project?
Contact us to discuss whether we may have community contacts who may be interested in your research idea.
Can I publish the research resulting from the project?
Science Shop staff can discuss this with community groups and academics during the negotiation process.
Based on our 30 years of experience working closely with community groups they are often keen to have their work promoted and disseminated.