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Global Partnerships

Team Meeting
Global Partnerships

The Science Shop at Queen's University Belfast is one of the longest established in the world.

Over the years we have collaborated with many new Science Shops across Europe providing them with additional support.

Students smiling in library

The second call for participants will be in Spring 2021- we want to hear from you!

The Science Shop at Queen's University Belfast is currently leading an Erasmus + strategic partnership project - Curriculum Innovation through Research with Communities: Learning circles of Educators and Technology. This project, known as CIRCLET , has been awarded €420,000 over three years to support academic staff to embed community-engaged research and learning in their modules.

Our project partners are; Corvinus University of Budapest, Technological University Dublin, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Starting in September 2020, 10 staff will be participating in a QUB learning circle and a further two staff members will take an online CPD module, alongside which they will rethink one of their modules so that it offers community-engaged research and learning opportunities for students. Opportunities for transnational collaboration will be rolled out as the project progresses.

Click here for more information on the CIRCLET Project
Science Shop Network
Living Knowledge

The Science Shop at Queen's University Belfast is one of the longest established in the world. We play a key role in the International Science Shop Network, Living Knowledge. Here at the Science Shop, it is our mission to work closely with Community Groups to help generate research ideas.

In June 20 (2020) we were delighted to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of The Living Knowledge Network virtually in Groningen, The Netherlands.

Due to the current Covid-19 global pandemic, the virtual webinar provided attendees with food for thought and discussion.

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