Professor Emma Flynn appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise
Queen's University Belfast is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Emma Flynn as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise.

Professor Flynn will join Queen's on 1 May 2019 from Durham University, where she is Associate Provost and a Professor in the School of Education.
President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Greer said:
"I am delighted with Professor Flynn's appointment to this important leadership role at Queen's University. I look forward to welcoming her and to working closely with her over the years ahead.
"I would also like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Professor Paul Connolly for his exemplary service as interim Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise."
A developmental and comparative psychologist, Professor Flynn is a leader in her research field, with multiple international and inter-disciplinary collaborations. Her core research concern is how humans acquire their culture, and how culture changes.
She gained a BSc in Psychology from the University of Southampton in 1995 and a PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2001.
The author of 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, Professor Flynn is a Member of the ESRC Review College and an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Commenting on her appointment, Professor Flynn said:
"I am delighted to be joining Queen's University Belfast as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise. Queen's is an institution with a world-leading research reputation and I look forward to working with staff and students to help deliver the University's strategic objectives."
Queen’s University is led by the President and Vice-Chancellor, supported by the Registrar and Chief Operating Officer and by six Pro-Vice-Chancellors – three Institutional and three Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors.