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Suzanne Walsh

Talent and Capability Consultant, People and Culture Directorate

Suzanne is a member of the Organisational Development Team within People and Culture, supporting talent and career development opportunities for staff across the University.

Tell us a little about your role.

My role was newly created in August 2023 to support the People and Culture transformation programme. As the Talent and Capability Consultant I’m responsible for helping to build the capability of staff to deliver on key aspects of Queen’s Strategy 2030.

The focus of my role is to provide opportunities and experiences that enable staff to take ownership and responsibility of their learning and career development and proactively manage their own career.

What does an average day look like?

I spend most of my days on campus in the Admin Building. I respond to emails, attend my scheduled meetings, check in with delivery partners and enjoy catching up with my colleagues.

I try to get out for walks when I can around our beautiful surroundings, eat out at lunch time more than I should, and enjoy my Pilates class on a Tuesday.

What projects are you currently working on?

I’m currently running a pilot career development programme called Beyond Boundaries. This will be evaluated, reviewed and hopefully rolled out across the University a few times per year.

I’m also doing the groundwork to launch a Job Shadowing initiative which will provide opportunities for staff to gain insights and different perspectives either within their own area or another area. This experience will help with making career development decisions.

Some of the other projects that I’m working on include: updating the Career Development Hub; supporting existing and new Communities of Practice; and implementing coaching and mentoring initiatives.

What do you find most rewarding about your role, and what are the challenges?

I have been involved with coaching and mentoring for over 15 years and through this role I’m fortunate to continue my work within this remit. Getting to witness the powerful impact of coaching is very rewarding.

Within my role I get to help people work on their own development which is obviously a rewarding experience itself.

The most challenging element is trying to create opportunities that work well for everyone and at times that suit them as there are so many diverse roles and pressure points across the university.

What makes you most proud about your contribution to our University community?

I suppose so far in this role becoming part of the internal coaching team and helping staff in Queen’s makes me feel proud.


About Suzanne

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.

I was in New York on September 11th 2001 during the 9/11 attacks.

What are you currently reading?

An easy read Colleen Hoover fiction book that I started on my holiday last week.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without?

If I can count a washing machine as a gadget (although it’s really an appliance) then it gets my vote, as it is used daily as I’ve three young, sporty kids. I’m waiting on someone to invent a ‘gadget’ that puts the clean clothes away though!

What are you most proud of?

The answer here has to be my three children, aged 13, 9 and 6. They are all so brave, passionate and fun to be around. When others give me feedback on their acts of kindness and them being good role models that makes me so happy. They genuinely amaze me every day.


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