BLOG: One Elmwood: A student-centred student centre
"The creation of One Elmwood presents a unique opportunity to enhance the student experience at Queen's."

A blog by Dr Ciarán O'Neill, Team Lead, Learning Development Service.
Hello everyone and welcome to One Elmwood!
You'll have noticed that there are some big changes on University Road... after several years of planning and hard work, our new student centre has finally arrived! One Elmwood is a remarkable architectural project and a purpose-built collaborative space for staff and students. It is the new home for many of the staff and services from the Directorate of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) alongside the Students' Union. We are all together under one roof – and a terrace or two.
The creation of One Elmwood presents a unique opportunity to enhance the student experience at Queen's. DASA comprises many front-facing student services including:
- Careers
- Employability and Skills
- Student Wellbeing Service (including Counselling)
- Disability Services
- Learning Development Service
- Widening Participation Unit
- International Student Support
- Student Finance
- Student Registry
One Elmwood means these services are more accessible to students than ever before – the opportunities for everyday exchange provided by the building and its spaces are truly exciting.
Besides a number of online gateways to Student Services, such as MyQueen's and MyFuture, students can also access a new Information Point on the first floor of the building. There is a range of support options available in One Elmwood and students can meet with a member of staff in one of the new student support rooms. So for example, if you want to develop your academic skills so you are better equipped for your module learning and assignments, book an appointment with the Learning Development Service. You can seek advice, guidance or support on a range of other areas too – please visit us at the brand new One Elmwood to find out more!