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One Elmwood Student Centre


Student Centre and Students’ Union

The new state-of-the-art building brings together student services with the Students' Union and a range of facilities so students can access services, collaborate in shared spaces, get support and advice, and socialise in first class venues. Everything you need is in one place. 

It provides a whole new exciting space to catch up with friends, study in a tech-friendly space, grab lunch from the SU Shop, enjoy a pint in the Union Bar, or take in a gig in the brand new Mandela Hall.

One Elmwood Opening hours: 8am-10pm Mon-Sat, 11am-9pm Sun 

SPAR Opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 7:30am to 8pm 
  • Friday 7:30am to 6pm
  • Saturday 9am to 4pm
  • Sunday 11am to 5pm


One Elmwood Student's Union

One Elmwood is the home for the Students' Union which provides you with vital support, opportunities to socialise and take part in activities; all to help you make friends and develop your skillset during your time at Queen’s.

From hanging out with friends over a coffee, studying in a tech-friendly space, meeting up with others from your club or society, to grabbing lunch from the Union Shop, to enjoying a pint in the Union Bar, or going to a gig in the Mandela Hall – your new Students’ Union is buzzing with activity.

Read: Your Guide to the SU

Find out all you need to know about your Students’ Union at


Student information point
Student Information Point

The One Elmwood Student Experience Team is here to support you on your student journey. You will find us at the Student Information Point on the first floor at One Elmwood.

Types of Appointments

  • Wellbeing
  • CV Checks
  • Careers Consultations
  • Academic Skills
  • Disability
  • Visa / Immigration support
  • Finance and Fees 

Student Services: Key Contacts list 

Student Experience Team

People walking past one elmwood spar shop
Union Shop - Spar

The University has entered into a partnership with Hendersons to create a cutting edge retail outlet in One Elmwood. 

With features that include a deli /hot food to go bar, Barista coffee and a wide range of locally produced goods, the store has something for everyone.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Sunday 8.00am to 4.00pm

Students at the bar in One Elmwood
The Union Bar

Your local, open 7 days a week serving up fantastic food, tasty drink offers and free entertainment every night during term from quizzes, bingo, club nights, live sport and much more! 

Find The Union Bar on the second floor and check out the fabulous outdoor terrace.  The Mandela Hall is our state of the art new venue and features a host of entertainment from the Queen’s Comedy club to live music, podcasts and much more.

What's On and Food Menus

Cafe in One Elmwood
Social (café)

Social is a continental style café bar with a wholesome food menu catering for the changing tastes and trends of the entire student population.

Artisan coffee and grab and go items will be available for those in a rush.

Opening hours Monday to Friday 8.00am to 10.00pm.


The Student Services in One Elmwood provides advice and support on careers, student wellbeing, learning skills, widening participation, finance, disability and visa/immigration.

Whatever your query, there is an expert team in One Elmwood ready to support you every step of the way, online and in person, personalising your experience. Meet them for yourself in our video.

Person walking past the bins in one elmwood

The new building is sustainable, accessible and meets the needs of our students and staff by being:

  • More efficient and substantially cheaper to run, operate and maintain
  • Using sustainable electric solutions instead of fossil fuels
  • Providing a net zero ready building that is future proofed for generations to come
One Elmwood sign

The building is also equipped with:

  • Cycle storage areas and showers for staff
  • Gender Neutral Toilets and Accessible Toilets
  • Baby Changing Facilities, Parenting Rooms, a Changing Places Room
  • Two Quiet Rooms for Prayer/Reflection

One Elmwood Student Centre
Queen's University Belfast
77 University Road

Key Student Contacts list