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2. Early Occlusal Caries

Review slides 27 - 39 from the lecture on 'Early Caries' and read page 48 in 'Pickard's Manual of Operative Dentistry' 9th edition.

Watch the following video and try the questions, you may want to read the questions beofore watching the video so you know what to look out for!

How long should the etch be left on the teeth?

The word 'frosty' is often used to described the appearance of a tooth surface once it has been etched?

What is missing from the curing light?

What is the wavelength of the curing light?

1 2 3 4 5
 Cavity is clean and hard  Using the rose-head bur  Tapered diamond bur used  Decay is removed  Decay is visible

Look at the images above and select the correct order from the options below which would show how a PRR is prepared.

1 2 3
 Composite Shaped  Light - cure Etch is applied
4 5 6
Light - cure Composite applied Bond is applied

Look at the images above and select the correct answer below to show how a PRR is placed.

Consider the Image below which shows the lower right 4, 5 and 6:


Q7 image  


For which tooth/teeth would a PRR be suitable?


Using the resources outlined above, look at the following sortable list and place each item in order of Fluoride content from least to most with least being first and most being last.

Study Guide   Practical Booklet

Please make sure that you have completed all sections of the practical booklet with regard to Fissure Sealants and PRRs before attending for your first practical class.

Early Caries Detection and Treatment
Early Caries Detection and Treatment