Co-director - Co-leads WP2 and WP7, Leads the Belfast hub, Contributes across all WPs
Queen's University Belfast Consortium Administrator - Contributes to all Work Packages
Clerical Support for the GroundsWell Consortium
Science Communicator and Research Impact Officer - Contribution to WP7, Affiliated to WP1, 2 and 5 for impact and science comms
Joint lead Work Package 5
Contribution to Work Package 2 and cross cutting health equity theme.
Contributes to work package 4.
Contributes to WPs 3 and 5.
Contributes to Work Package 3.
Contributes to WP5.
Contributes to WP 5.
WP 5 co-lead.
Co-lead WP 1, Contribution to WP 2.
Contributes to WP 1. Co-lead WP 2.
Contributes to Work Package 5.
Contributes to work packages 3 and 4.
Contributes to work packages 3, 4, 5 and 7
Contributes to WP4 & WP5
PhD Researcher