Adrian Murphy
Adrian Murphy is Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast. He has published over one hundred and twenty journal and conference articles, including a significant number on design and analysis methods for aircraft structures and manufacturing processes. Professor Murphy’s research interests are focused on predictive modelling, in particular developing methods to understand the influence of individual component and process parameters on product in-service performance and cost. His key research interests can be divided into: Structural design and manufacturing, Cost modelling, Multi-physics simulations. A winner of the Thomas Hawksley medal in 2006 and the Kenneth Harris James Prize (2006) and SAGE Best Paper Award 2012 (Journal of Materials: Design and Applications). He sits on the Royal Aeronautical Society Structures and Materials Specialist committee, ESDU Aerospace Structures Committee, IMechE Aerospace Materials & Structures Technical Activity Committee and is a member of the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Structures Specialist Advisory Group.