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5th IFAC Conference on
Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences
21-23 August 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Instructions for Presenters

Instructions for Presenters

Oral Presentations

Authors of papers accepted for oral presentation will have 15 minutes for their presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions. The session room will provide an digital projector, a laptop and a screen for presenters to use. The authors should upload the presentations to the laptop prior to each session with assistance from volunteers. Presenters should arrive at their session a few minutes before the session starts and check that their slides work satisfactorily with the audiovisual system in the room, and seek assistance from volunteers if needed. The presentation laptops have a Microsoft Windows operating system and can support PowerPoint and pdf presentation formats only.

Poster Presentations

At the start of the poster session (from 14.30-15.00) authors are required to make a 3-minute oral presentation introducing their work, accompanied by a maximum of two slides in 16:9 format. Slides should be and emailed to by 20th August so that they can be integrated into a single pdf presentation. Authors should be present at their respective posters for at least 30 minutes during the poster session (from 15.00-16.00). It is imperative that the authors affix the poster before the start of the session. Authors are encouraged to prepare a summary of their posters that can be shared with attendees.  Your poster should  fit in the provided panel area which is 1.2m x 1.2m, and should preferably be be A0 portrait size (width =0.841m, high = 1.189m). The title of the poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters. Below the title, insert the author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of the poster information should be from the top left to the bottom right. Authors are encouraged to create lively, interesting posters that will draw attention and comments.


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