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Welcome to Queen's Student
Immigration Support Service

Student Route Engagement Monitoring

Student Route Engagement Monitoring

Queen’s University Belfast holds a licence which permits us to sponsor international students to come to the UK to study. As a Sponsor, the University must comply with specific sponsorship duties, which are closely monitored by UKVI and are subject to audit.

The University needs to be able to demonstrate that you are actively and consistently following your course of study in order to continue to permit you to stay in the UK.

How is my Engagement Monitored?

Student engagement is monitored through a series of contact points (set by your School) which you must meet throughout the course of the academic year. These are as follows:

UG students: 2 contact points in a rolling 4-week period

PGT students:

During taught modules: 2 contact points in a rolling 4-week period
During research modules: 1 contact point per month
Whilst undertaking your dissertation: 1 contact point per month

PGR students: 1 contact point per month

You will not be made aware which sessions have been set by your School as designated contact points. It is therefore imperative that you participate in all areas of your course in-person. Please note that virtual meetings will not count as a contact point met.

What do I need to know?
QUB Engagement Monitoring Web App & QR Codes

The QUB Engagement Monitoring Web App should be used to record your attendance at QUB lectures, tutorials, seminars. When you attend class, an academic member of staff will display a QR code for you to scan using your phone.

To use this service, you must be a current student at the University, with an active user account, and have a strong Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. Start by scanning the QR code and the Attendance Monitoring web page will be launched with the event details pre-populated.

  • Logging in

    Click on the 'Login to Submit' button and Login using your student email address and your usual University password. You may also be prompted for an additional authentication method.

  • Navigation
  • New Event

    This tab will display the current scanned event. Verify the event details and hit 'Submit':

    Verify Event - Submit

  • Previous Events

    This page gives you a list of the last 50 events on which you have been registered as an attendee (latest first):

    Previous Events

Please Note: QR Codes will only be presented at sessions which have been set by your School as a designated contact point. In order to ensure that you do not miss a contact point, it is imperative that you engage with all areas of your studies and attend every class scheduled.

Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students

If you are a Postgraduate Research (PGR) student, QR Codes do not apply. It is therefore imperative that you upload your formal meeting records to the Queen’s Student Information System (QSIS) monthly, prior to the end of each month so that your engagement is reflected.

Please see below for further clarification on engagement requirements that apply to you as a sponsored Postgraduate Research (PGR) student on a Student Route visa:

  • How many contact points do I need to meet in an academic year?

    Postgraduate Research (PGR) students study continuously throughout the academic year.

    To maintain compliance with UKVI regulations, you must attend at least one contact point per month, unless you have received prior approval for annual leave from your supervisor and have submitted an Authorised Absence form.

    Meeting Requirements:

    • All meetings must take place 'In-Person'
    • Meetings logged as ‘Virtual’ will not be counted as valid contact points
    • Missed contact points will generate for students who log a ‘Virtual’ meeting

    Academic Year Duration:
    The academic year runs from 1 September - 31 August for all levels.

  • How do I upload my PGR meeting records to ensure that these are reflected on my engagement monitoring record?

    PGR students must upload their formal meeting records to QSIS monthlyprior to the end of each month so that their engagement is logged.

    Please consult the 'QSIS for Research Students' section of the Queen's University website for instructions on how to upload your reports.

    Additional Resources:

  • What should I do if I experience issues uploading my meeting records to Qsis?

    If you encounter any difficulties uploading your meeting records to QSIS or mistakenly log an 'In-Person' meeting as 'Virtual', please contact Student System Support at

    They will be able to assist you in correcting the record and ensuring your engagement is accurately reflected in the system.

  • Are there any 'Exceptions' whereby a 'Virtual' meeting can be accepted?

    If a sponsored PGR student logs their monthly formal meeting as having taken place 'Virtually' on QSIS instead of ‘In-Person’, this will result in a missed contact point, and they will receive a missed contact point email for that month.

    Exception: Off-Campus Study
    The only exception to this rule applies when a student is on an approved period of Off-Campus Study.

    Off-Campus Study & Virtual Meetings
    If a student is undertaking Off-Campus Study, virtual meetings are permitted and will be accepted as valid engagement, as the student is unable to attend in-person meetings on campus through no fault of their own.

    To ensure that a virtual meeting logs correctly as a contact point met on your engagement monitoring record, please ensure:

    1. Your period of Off-Campus Study has been formally approved by your School of Study
    2. Your School has signed off on and submitted a completed Off-Campus Study form to ISS for processing

    For further details regarding the Off-Campus Study process, please refer to the relevant section of the Student Route Engagement Monitoring webpage:

  • Can I take 'Annual Leave' as a PGR student?

    Sponsored Postgraduate Research (PGR) students are entitled to take 'Annual Leave'. However, to ensure compliance with UKVI regulations, it is essential that this is formally approved and recorded.

    If you need to take a period of absence from your studies, please refer to the below important sections of this webpage:

    Important Information:

    • No missed contact points will be recorded on your engagement monitoring record during an approved period of AA or LOA
    • You will not be required to attend supervisor meetings during this period

    For guidance on the combined use of Authorised Absence (AA) and Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA), please refer to: Combined Authorised Absence (AA) plus Leave of Absence (LOA)

    Additionally, for information regarding absences during holiday periods, please consult:
    Absence from Studies During the Holiday Periods

  • Do I still need to meet with my supervisor whilst on an approved period of annual leave?

    No, students are not required to schedule meetings or engage with their supervisors whilst on an approved period of Authorised Absence (AA) or a Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA).

    As long as the correct procedures are followed and the necessary approvals are in place, no engagement will be expected during this time.

  • What do I do if my supervisor is unavailable to meet with me in-person across a particular month?

    If your supervisor is unavailable to meet with you in-person across a particular month, please speak to your School of study as a priority to ensure that arrangements are made for you to meet with an alternative academic staff member.

    Ensuring this meeting takes place is crucial to fulfilling your engagement monitoring requirements, thereby safeguarding your Student Route visa status and ensuring compliance with UKVI regulations.

  • What happens if I fail to meet a contact point for 2 consecutive months?

    Consequences of Missing Contact Points and Required Actions:

    If you miss 1 contact point:

    • ISS will contact you via email to outline the potential impact on your Student Route visa should you fail to re-engage with your studies
    • Your School will also follow up accordingly, prompting you to re-engage with your studies
    • ISS will continue to monitor your engagement and send monthly reminders until you successfully re-engage

    If you miss 2 or more consecutive contact points:

    • Upon reaching 60 days of non-engagement, you will be invited to attend a Student Support Meeting with your School
    • If you fail to attend this meeting and do not take steps to re-engage with your studies, you will receive one final opportunity to explain your lack of engagement to ISS before further action is taken

    Important Information:

    • Once a student misses 60 days due to unauthorised absences we are legally required to report them to UKVI as withdrawn and cease sponsorship of their visa
    • If your visa is cancelled, you will be required to leave the UK within approximately 60 days from the date the UKVI report is made. It is therefore imperative that you actively and consistently follow your course of study

    Given the serious implications of prolonged non-engagement, it is imperative that you actively and consistently participate in your studies. If you are facing any challenges which are preventing you from engaging, please contact ISS and your School as soon as possible to discuss your situation.

    School Contact Details:
    Faculties and Schools: 
    School Office Contact Details: 

    Immigration Support Service:
    International Student Compliance:
    Immigration Advice:

Absence from studies

If you need to take a period of absence from your studies please refer to the following important information:

  • Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA)

    When you request a Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA) from your School, your enrolment will be suspended on Qsis for duration of this absence and you will not be able to engage with your studies during this period.

    Reasons for this type of absence may include: pregnancy, long-term illness, family problems at home, among other things.

    The University will only continue sponsorship of your visa if you are on a Leave of Absence for a short time, usually 60 days or less, as per UKVI policy in an academic year.

    You will need to be able to complete your course of study within the validity of your current visa.

  • Authorised Absence (AA)

    This is where a student takes a short period of absence from the University.

    Reasons for this type of absence may include: a brief illness, a family visit, to attend a wedding or a funeral, among other things.

    Any period of Authorised Absence should be requested using the below form:

    Once completed, please submit this through to your School for consideration. After an Authorised Absence form has been approved by your School, they will in turn upload this to the online Engagement Monitoring system.

    The University will only continue sponsorship of your visa if you are on an Authorised Absence for a short time, usually 60 days or less, as per UKVI policy in an academic year.

    You will need to be able to complete your course of study within the validity of your current visa.

    Please Note:  Students will continue to be registered during a period of Authorised Absence and can still make submissions, if required by their School.

  • Combined Authorised Absence (AA) plus Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA)
    Undergraduate Students Postgraduate Taught Students Postgraduate Research Students

    Maximum cumulative absence (AA plus LOA) 60 days in an academic year. 

    You will need to be able to complete your course of study within the validity of your current visa.

    Maximum cumulative absence (AA plus LOA) 60 days in an academic year. 

    You will need to be able to complete your course of study within the validity of your current visa.

    Maximum cumulative absence 120 days (AA plus LOA) - no single period of combined absence may be longer than 60 days.

    Cumulative LOA must not exceed 60 days.  

    Cumulative AA must not exceed 60 days, as per the PGR Research Regulations. 

    You will need to be able to complete your course of study within the validity of your current visa.

Please contact your School of study directly to request a Temporary Withdrawal / Leave of Absence (LOA) or to have an Authorised Absence form approved.

No missed contact points will generate for you during a period of approved Authorised Absence or on a Leave of Absence.

Please Note: the academic year runs from 1 September - 31 August for all levels.

Absence from studies during Holiday Periods

Please refer to the below important information concerning absences during the holiday periods:

  • Absences during Official University Closure Days
    Undergraduate Students Postgraduate Taught Students

    Postgraduate Research Students

    No implications and do not count towards total AA or LOA. 

    No implications and do not count towards total AA or LOA. 

    Official closure days count towards both AA and LOA absence periods. 

    If counting an AA and/or LOA that runs over any official University closure days, these days should be included in the calculation, as per the PGR Research Regulations.


  • Absences outside of Official Course Dates

    Undergraduate Students

    Postgraduate Taught Students Postgraduate Research Students
    No implications and do not count towards total AA or LOA. 

    No implications and do not count towards total AA or LOA.

    Please Note: your dissertation period is considered term-time.

    PGR students study continuously throughout each academic year. 


Please Note: The precise timetable of activity varies between programmes and, due to the nature of the course, some courses have additional teaching / placements / professional practice requirements which fall outside of the normal semester dates.

Off-Campus Study

Student visa holders are granted permission to be in the UK to study. It is understood that on occasion you may need to remain registered but undertake a period of study outside the UK.

Off-Campus Study is only permitted in limited circumstances, as listed below:  

  • Fieldwork / Data Collection
  • Exchange / Study Abroad Semester
  • Programme related Research that MUST be conducted at another location
  • Writing up Thesis Overseas (PhD / Doctorate only)
  • Programme related Conference

The maximum permitted overseas research period is normally 6 months in a rolling 12-month period.

Please be aware that your engagement will continue to be monitored whilst you are on any period of 'Off-Campus Study', therefore it is imperative that you maintain contact with your School and respond to any communications received.

Any period of Off-Campus Study should be requested using the below form:

ISS must be able to confirm that it knows of a sponsored student’s whereabouts, and that any time spent off-campus has been authorised so that the relevant report can be made to UKVI regarding their change of location.

Please submit the completed form through to your School well in advance of your period of Off-Campus Study.

Student Support

The University has a range of resources to help you with your studies.

Please refer to the MyQueen’s webpage, to find out more about the range of support services available to you.

The services offered by the Student Wellbeing Service are free and available to registered students at the University.​

Support is available at all levels of your student journey. 

What happens if I fail to Engage with my Studies?

The Immigration Support Service (ISS) will contact any students with missed contact points monthly via email regarding their lack of engagement across the previous month. 

If you miss 1 or 2 contact points

  • ISS will be in touch via email to explain the implications on your student visa if you fail to re-engage with your course of study
  • Your School will also follow up accordingly, prompting you to re-engage with your studies
  • ISS will continue to contact you monthly until you successfully re-engage

If you miss 3 or more consecutive contact points
2 or more if you are a Postgraduate Research student
2 or more if you are a Postgraduate Taught student undertaking your dissertation

  • You will be invited to attend a student support meeting with your School once you reach 60 days of non-engagement 
  • If you fail to attend this meeting and do not successfully re-engage with your studies, you will receive one final opportunity to explain your lack of engagement to the Immigration Support Service

Please Note: Once a student misses 60 days due to unauthorised absences the University must report them to UKVI as withdrawn and cease sponsorship of their visa.

If your visa is cancelled, you will be required to leave the UK within approximately 60 days from the date the UKVI report is made. It is therefore imperative that you actively and consistently follow your course of study.

Please contact your School and ISS if there is anything preventing you from doing so to make us aware of your situation. If you are unwell, please refer to the 'Absence from your Studies' section above.

What happens if I can evidence my engagement?

In cases where students have missed contact points noted but attendance can be evidenced, engagement can be updated retrospectively by one of your School’s designated engagement monitoring contacts.

In-person contact points confirmed by School staff are preferable, however we will also accept confirmation of submissions, assessments undertaken, exams sat etc.

If you find yourself in this situation, please ask the staff member best placed to confirm your engagement to email this through to your School citing the specific date of attendance and/or submission. They should also copy into this email.

Student Route Engagement Monitoring Presentation
Student Route Engagement Monitoring Guide for Students

View the Student Route Engagement Monitoring Guide for Students:
click here to view on SharePoint
click here to view on You Tube

Download the Student Route Engagement Monitoring Guide for Students:
click here to download

Key Contacts
Technical Support - issues with the app / Scanning QR codes: 
International Student Compliance: 
Immigration Advice: 
School Contacts: