Your health and wellbeing are an important consideration ahead of starting university. The information below will help you understand the UK's healthcare system (if you are here for the first time) and how to access local healthcare services when you arrive in Belfast. If you are an international student remember that healthcare systems globally vary greatly, the UK system may be different than what you experience in your home country.
We encourage students to register with a GP (local doctor) – this is the best way to access non-emergency medical care. If you are a student from Northern Ireland, you may already be registered with a GP (local Doctor) service close to where you are from. It is your choice to remain registered with that service or to consider registering with a Belfast based GP.
If you have any queries on registration staff at the Student Information Point in One Elmwood can help (first floor).
The University Health Centre
You are encouraged to register with a Doctor (GP) as soon as possible. On site at Queen’s it is possible to register with the University Health Centre GP (local Doctor) Service. The University Health Centre is based Elmwood Manse, 7 University Terrace, BT7 1NP and is a one-minute walk from the One Elmwood Student Centre.
Registrations are accepted from the following catchment areas: BT1, BT2, BT3, BT4, BT5, BT6, BT7, BT8, BT9, BT10, BT11, BT12 and BT17.
The University Health Centre require processing time for all registrations. If you are an international student, you are encouraged to register as soon as possible after your arrival. You will require a letter from the Student Information Point in One Elmwood to do this and can get this as part of your enrolment at Queen’s. The University Health Centre does not accept registrations on Mondays.
The University Health Centre surgery can be contacted on 028 9066 4634.
Medication - If you take regular medication, supplying a medical history from your previous Doctor can help the Health Centre with your medication prescription requirements during your time in Belfast. Consider securing this information before departure and bringing it with you.
Emergency Medical Care
If you require urgent or emergency treatment you are advised to dial 999 (free from any public or private telephone) and ask for the ambulance service or go to a hospital emergency department. Emergency departments are also known as Accident and Emergency (A and E) or casualty departments.
In Belfast Emergency Departments are located at:
Royal Victoria Hospital (274 Grosvenor Road, Belfast, BT12 6BA)
Mater Hospital (45-51 Crumlin Rd, Belfast BT14 6AB)
Information on how to register with the practice for GP services depends on a number of factors including; citizenship, immigration status (if relevant); including how long you will be spending in Belfast.
Please note: If you are a student that normally resides outside the UK and Ireland you can register with the University GP practice if you are in going to be living in Belfast for three months or more. If are a student from outside the UK and Ireland and you will be living in Belfast for less than three months, you may wish to consider applying for private health insurance.
You must be registered with the practice in order to seek medical care and have more than 3 months left on your visa.
The University Health Centre is based Elmwood Manse, 7 University Terrace, BT7 1NP and is a one-minute walk from the One Elmwood Student Centre.
Registration as an International student (EU, International, ROI and Isle of Man)?
All students hoping to register with the practice will be required to provide additional documentation to support their registration. For international students this includes:
HSCR1 Registration Form (available from the Student Information Point in One Elmwood or the University Health Centre)
Proof of Belfast Address (see guidance below on providing your proof of address)
Please be aware that your CAS letter can be used as course duration proof, but you still need a proof of address letter.
Registration as a student from NI, England, Scotland, Wales?
All students hoping to register with the practice will be required to provide additional documentation to support their registration. For the students above this includes:
HS200 Registration Form - (available from the Student Information Point in One Elmwood or the University Health Centre)
Proof of Belfast Address
The video below, from Dr. Cunningham, sets out guidance on how you can register with the University Health Centre.
*The Health Centre require processing time for all registrations, this is dependent on volumes of registrations received and you can enquire at the time of registering.
Local doctors are also known as general practitioners, GPs. They look after the health of people in their community and deal with patients' different health problems.
GPs provide services including:
medical advice
physical examinations
diagnosis of symptoms
prescribing medication
health education
simple surgical operations
care for ongoing, longstanding or chronic conditions
Check out the UHC website for further information.
Once registration documents are accepted – we will not contact you to confirm your registration has been processed.
A Health & Care Card will be sent directly from the Business Services Organisation (BSO) (these are not issued by the Practice).
Appointments can be booked following the registration being completed.
Please note a Health and Care Card is not required for booking appointments. (their admin team are available for advice – please check our website for opening hours & contact times).
Meningitis Information
The Admissions and Access Service has been asked by the University’s Occupational Health Service to bring the following information to your attention.
Local, EU and international students aged up to 25 years and starting university for the first time, should get the Meningitis ACWY vaccine from their GP before going to university. The Meningitis ACWY vaccine will increase protection against four Meningitis groups (A,C,W and Y).
There is an increased risk of infection with meningitis spreading when people live closely to each other such as in university halls of residence and other shared accommodation. It is therefore recommended that students receive vaccination at least 2 weeks before starting university.
Meningococcal bacteria can cause:
meningitis (inflammation of the lining in the brain)
septicaemia (blood poisoning) often leading to a rash of dark spots
Meningitis can cause death or long-term health problems including:
learning difficulties
Symptoms of meningitis:
Meningitis can affect anyone, but is common in babies, young children, teenagers and young adults. Symptoms of meningitis develop suddenly and can include:
a high temperature (fever) over 37.5C (99.5F)
a headache
a blotchy rash that doesn't fade when a glass is rolled over it (this won't always develop)
a stiff neck
discomfort or pain to the eyes due to light exposure
drowsiness or unresponsiveness
seizures (fits)
All students who are changing their GP or who are registering with one for the first time should choose a GP in the local area when starting university. If not already vaccinated, they can arrange to get this vaccine and other vaccines as appropriate. This should be done straight away – ideally in the first week of term – don’t leave it until later.
Living in Queen’s accommodation? A Queen’s Student Status letter is required, request this at the Student Information Point in One Elmwood, a copy will be forwarded to you electronically.
Living in alternative student accommodation (i.e. Student Roost, Liv student)? A Queen’s Student Status letter is required, request this at the Student Information Point in One Elmwood, a copy will be forwarded electronically. You also require a letter confirming your address from your accommodation provider.
Living in private accommodation? A Queen’s Student Status letter is required, request this at the Student Information Point in One Elmwood, a copy will be forwarded electronically. You will also ned to provide evidence of your address – Tenancy agreement or a Utility Bill such as Gas or Electricity (excludes mobile phone)