Children’s help seeking behaviour
Children have shared with us their perspectives and views regarding the people that can help them and the characteristics of people they consider helpful and unhelpful.
To help explore this issue supporting materials have been designed in 3 separate tasks. Complete each, accessing supporting materials through the links.
We have devised a quiz that aims to explore your own perspectives and views about the people who are helpful, and their characteristics. Press here to download a quiz.
When complete, think through your answers, noting any underpinning assumptions. Press here to download the answers to the quiz.
Reflecting on the answers to the quiz, we are aware that children go through a process to seek help. To gain a deeper appreciation of this download and complete the next exercise here. Press here
Children have identified a number of barriers to help seeking behaviour. To gain a deeper appreciation of those, download and complete the exercise attached Press here
We have devised an exercise that invites you to consider how you could do your role differently. Press here to download the exercise.
Some videos regarding children’s views on help seeking behaviour can be accessed here